Premium Essay

Amagansett Quote Analysis

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Words 539
Pages 3
Alexia Goussis
La Blanc / Rodahan / Fitchman
September 9,2014

“And he had flatly denied any such immediate feelings”(132) The novel Amagansett by Mark Mills shows that no matter how hard you try, you can’t fix a loss. When something very important to a person becomes absent, most of the time it is hard for that person to deal with the absence. Absence is defined as the state of being away from a place or person. Conrad has such a difficult time overcoming absence that he hides his true feelings of loneliness. When Conrad and Lilly first meet, Lilly asks... “You live here?” “Yes” “By yourself?” “Uh-huh” “Don’t you get lonely?” “No” (pg 111).

When being asked if he ever gets lonely, Conrad simply lies and says no. Deep down he is very …show more content…
He continuously tries to cling onto the past and has a hard time accepting change. Conrad built his house on the property that his brother had died on. “He explained that the house too was a victim of that apocalyptic storm. It had started life in East Hampton, on the western shore of Georgica Pond, put up as a summer home by a New York publisher at the turn of the century. Shattered by the high winds, it had lain derelict throughout the war before Conrad bought it, transporting it along the beach on skids to the plot of land he’d just purchased on Napeague”(135). Conrad had built his house on this specific piece of property to keep the memories that he had with his brother alive. He was constantly holding onto the past and did not want to accept the fact that new memories and changes will occur during his lifetime. Conrad believed that by building the house on a piece of property with history and meaning would help him overcome the absence he had to deal with, although that was not the case. Even though he tried holding onto the past, nothing he could do would could help him overcome the emptiness he was

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