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American Sniper Thesis

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American Sniper is a book written by the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history Chris Kyle along with the assistance of Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice. It contains a great deal of cuss words that gets the reader to pay attention to the feelings of Kyle and understand the story from his perspective. He takes you through his time as an American sniper to show you the way things actually happened during the Iraq War. Throughout this book you will be exposed to the lies you’ve been told about the war, and how much it can strain your life back at home.

Chris Kyle went through four deployments in his time in the Navy lasting about 10 years and collecting two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars with other numerous citations to go along with …show more content…
To him, being a soldier is the ultimate test of manhood, and in his mind, there is nothing more important than that, as he writes “In the end, my story, In Iraq and afterward, is about more than just killing people or even fighting for my country. It’s about being a man”. I feel as the farther I got into this book, the more the main meaning became evident upon showing the public what our armed forces risk out on the battlefield and that they deserve all of our respect. I was very swayed by this book and found a new level of appreciation of what our armed forces do protecting us and keeping us away from all the foreign dangers in the world. There were also the signs of respect for the ones who were lost during the war by being given SEAL’s tridents. The trident is the symbol of a SEAL and without it, you are just a normal person. Once you pay your respect by putting that on someone’s grave, you give them a piece of yourself. The diction and use of his “adult language” gives you a tremendous grasp on the certain things you should pay attention to since it shows which parts he is most passionate about. In this case, he shows a great

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