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Analysis and Implications of Practice: Quantitative Research


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Analysis and Implications of Practice: Quantitative Research

Analysis and Implications of Practice: Quantitative Research
Why are Nurses Leaving? Findings From an Initial Qualitative Study on Nursing Attrition Carol Isaac MacKusic and Ptlene Minick Introduction/Purpose As the population ages and chronic disease runs rampant, the need for bedside nurses grows. MacKusick and Minic (2010) further tackle the nursing shortage in Why are Nurses Leaving? Findings from an Initial Qualitative Study on Nurse Attrition. The purpose of this study is clearly stated, “to understand the factors influencing the decision of registered nurses (RN’s) to leave clinical nursing” (p. 335). This purpose statement clearly states and highlights its importance to the nursing practice. Interviews were conducted to find out what factors influenced the decisions of the RN’s to leave clinical nursing. The introduction of this study gave a great summation of the entire article which pulled the reader in. Review of Literature In reviewing the article, it was discovered that the authors did a thorough search of bedside RN’s leaving the nursing practice and found that very limited data was available regarding nursing attrition. Their search began with “GoogleScholar and was narrowed to include CINAHL, Medline, PsychINFO, and LexisNexis MacKusic and Minic” (2010 p.335). MacKusic and Minic (2010) found the data search for this topic ended in 2007 when the research study took place. While many sites stated the current shortage was due to issues such as job dissatisfaction, an aging workforce, and increased demands, none of the data reflected on the former RN’s perspective. Within their research findings it was discovered that out of 187 new RN’s, half had considered leaving their nursing role within the first year and by the third year

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