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Submitted By kayonna
Words 1724
Pages 7
Comparison Paper Latarshaw Wright
July 15, 2013
Instructor: Linda Hansen-Kyle

Abstract Research studies are a key element to the implementation of evidence-based practice in nursing, but one must first have a thorough understanding of the study process in order to benefit properly from the findings. The most important concept is to understand if the study is Quantitative or Qualitative in design. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the differences in these two designs by using examples of each to describe. By evaluating each paper and including topics such as the strength of the research question, the strength of the methodology, correct or incorrect sample type and size, appropriate data analysis, complete discussion of findings, and implication for nursing practice and practability of implementation a pattern will appear revealing the likes and differences of the two types of studies. The findings indicate both quantitative and qualitative studies are crucial in the development of scientific research. By incorporating these in the scientific field of research, nursing will continue to grow and evolve.

Comparison Paper The advancement of nursing research has led to evidence-based practice in nursing which in turn leads to positive patient care outcome. Nursing research plays an integral role in nursing education. The 21st century has revolutionized nursing in theoretical and practical aspects of nursing. New innovative ideas are needed for the continuum of nursing. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast a qualitative research study on the implications of missed nursing care and quantitative research on the effectiveness of physical activity counseling for older women. These articles used criteria in demonstrating evidence-based practice and the implementation of this practice in nursing

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