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Analysis of Htc


Submitted By tinngg
Words 2485
Pages 10
E-Business Marketing Project

Name: chun ting, Chen ID: 42749409 Mail: Date: 26/01/2013
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1. Background
2. Business concept
3. Analysis 3.1 Industry Analysis 3.1.1 SWOT Analysis HTC 3.2 Competitor Analysis 3.2.1 SWOT Analysis Apple
4. Business model
5. Strategy Plan 5.1 Strategy 5.2 Products
6. Recommendation
Executive Summary
Nowadays, there are numerous companies established and raised in two decades. To give some examples, Apple, Samsung and HTC and so on are well-known companies. Following by the internet, these companies not only reinforce its service and sell in real stores but focus the online marketing. The project aims at analyzing the high tech company of HTC and advising the company to solve problems of online marketing. This project focuses on exploring its disadvantages by comparing with other competitors. The result indicates that HTC should improve its delivery service and online service so that it can attract more consumers.
1. Background
This project was prepared for HTC to make online marketing better. The definition of online marketing can be defined as decisions of investment which investors made depend on whether behaviors of the company are ethical (Hudson 2005, p. 641).
The company, HTC is a high technology corporation, is founded in 1997. Initially, HTC designed the world's first touch and wireless hand-held devices in 1998, and then manufactured some of smartphones and tablets. At the beginning of making smartphones, it was mostly based on Microsoft’s Windows Mobile operating system (OS) software. However, it invented own system “Android” in 2010 (HTC 2012). HTC is popular as the company is

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