Premium Essay

Andre Ndrew's Rich Hill

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Pages 5
“Rich Hill,” epitomizes the best and worst aspects of three young boys who live an unstable life and fight their lives in the trenches of poverty. Andrew, Appachey, and Harley were three young boys who struggled in Rich Hill, Missouri. Through eye-opening and disturbing scenes, it is shown how little help in finances and in life these young boys had. Appachey, the youngest, was abandoned by his father at age 6 and lives with his mother and several siblings in a house that looks like it has been hit by a cyclone. He’s an angry child and takes medication for a number of conditions, including bipolar disorder. Harley, the oldest, is a chronic truant, with a mother in prison for reasons that, when revealed, will break your heart. He lives with his grandmother in a double­wide trailer and is addicted to cigarettes and junk food. …show more content…
Although they all live in Rich Hill, the three boys have never hung out before and this documentary seemed to be jumping from one topic to the next. Despite the fact that the subjects were random, it slowly had developed an emotional coherence and made it seem like it was so strange how none of the boys had any relation to the other in their struggles. Based on my interpretation of these three boys’ stories, it felt like Rich Hill as a whole was together in that they were all in very bad situations. The themes of Andrews, Appacheys, and Harleys life are instability and lack of confidence in themselves. “With their noses 50 miles in the air,” says a kid when asked about Rich Hill. It shows that the people in surrounding wealthy areas view Rich Hill as a joke to society and useless. Although the community gives no hope to these children, their families do not provide much confidence or

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