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Animal Testing


Submitted By thunderrain
Words 410
Pages 2
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George Marcus

Summary of Animal Testing Is Not Essential for Medical Research
Much of today’s medical progress such as; magnetic resonance imaging, computer-aided tomography, vaccines and other medical techniques have not come from animal testing (Greek & Greek, 2004). Test tube research combined with the study of why diseases occur in different people and more funding for medical research is proven methods (Greek & Greek). The week of July 30, 2009, the Food and Drug Administration announced, that 37 experts that the FDA assembled have recommended lowering the recommended dosage of Tylenol. The panel also recommended eradicating Vicodin and Percocet. The recommendation came as a way to battle accidental overdoses of acetaminophen. Acetaminophen overdoses is the principal cause of liver failure in our country which results in about 200 deaths annually (Perrone, 2009). Over 51% of the latest drugs released between the years of 1976 and 1985 were eliminated or had a revised label to show harsh side effects unforeseen from animal testing (Greek & Greek, 2004). Physically humans and animals differ and our bodies process chemicals differently. The sustenance that humans and animals use can be dissimilar, reproductive systems are different along with the average life expectancy (Fano, 2004). With the physical and environmental differences between the species, research can give diverse outcomes in the testing process (Fano). The United States government insists that researchers experiment on animals with new medications prior to human testing. These new medications are still making people sick after animal testing (Greek & Greek, 2004). This inconsistency which the government acknowledges as a large stretch demonstrates the unnecessary use of animals in medical research. There are numerous examples where helpful drugs

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 Animal Testing and Ethics - Santa Clara University The Three R's: The Way Forward - Center for Alternatives to ... 11 Facts About Animal Testing | | Volunteer ......

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