Premium Essay

Cosmetic Animal Testing


Submitted By hayleyalyse
Words 426
Pages 2

Tests that use animals to assess the safety of cosmetics and personal care products—such as lipstick, mascara, shampoo, and cologne—are still extremely common in the United States. It's estimated that thousands of mice, guinea pigs, rats, and rabbits suffer and die in these tests every year in the U.S. alone. Each ingredient in a cosmetic or personal care product that needs to be tested can be run through the tests listed below. Pain relief is rarely provided and the animals used are always killed at the end of each test.
Statistic: There are an estimated 300,000 animals that die each year during cosmetic animal testing.
Modern science is replacing last centuries animal tests with kinder, faster and more humane ways to provide safe products to consumers without killing animals.
Around The world:
People in Australia are petitioning their government to introduce a national ban on cosmetic animal testing.
In Brazil cosmetic animal testing was banned in January of 2014.
In Canada people are working with politians to end cosmetic animal testing.
In India national cosmetic animal testing was banned in June 2013 and there was an import ban effective November 2014.
Here in the United States there are leading efforts to support federal legistlation that will phase out animal testing and prohibit the import of tested products.
( (human society international . org)
There is no reason to kill millions of animals each year when there are other ways to test the safety of a cosmetic product.
Counter Argument: Some may say that it's better to test a product on animals than to harm people to test a product or to sell a product without it being tested.
This would be a valid argument if there werent other alternatives to animal testing.
In fact, non-animal testing methods usually take less time to

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