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Annabel Greene's Just Listen

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The first thought that would come to someone’s mind when seeing Annabel Greene’s various ads all over town or commercials on TV would be the perfect life of a girl. She had the looks and potrayed an impeccable life, but thats not quite how to put it. The book Just Listen by Sarah Dessen is about a small town model, Annabel Greene. Annabel has two sisters, Kirsten and Whitney, they are the exact opposites; Kirsten was bubbly and more out there and Whitney was very secretive and very closed off. Both of Annabel’s sisters were models and loved it. Until they moved out and faced the real world on their own. Annabel is slowly finding her way thanks to a new music obsessed friend, Owen Armstrong. Owen Armstrong never fit into a crowd he was always …show more content…
Whitney was always told she would make it and she sure did all the way to the hospital and back home. When she had bigger gigs she had more competition with skinnier girls that lead to her not eating anything and exercising for hours on end at the gym by her apartment. Kirstine warned their parents about Whitney’s condition, but they shook it off and did not believe her. It was a huge mistake not to believe Kirsten, because Whitney was later diagnosed with anorexia and had to move back home. She is not happy about the living situation or about her protective mother smothering her. The illness put a huge weight on the family, because their mom became more worried and anxious about her daughter. After a year or two their mom is letting Whitney do some things on her own, but still manages to hover over. Whitney has many appointments and attends a therapy group. Whitney is no where interested in her new therapy group she was forced to be in, because of the psychatrist’s teachings. For example Whitne has to plant lots of herbs during the winter, and thats what Whitney does, but she has no idea what it has to do with her disorder. Annabel has become more quiet about her problems due to her sister, because she does not want her mom to be get upset. One of those problems would be how she does not want to model

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