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Submitted By nahyahshields
Words 412
Pages 2
APUSH Cold War Lecture Notes

Define Cold War-

• An era of distrust, threat of nuclear war. & ideological expansion between the superpowers, USA & USSR.

What change occurred with Stalin between the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences?

• He agreed to allow self determination in Eastern Europe, He extended his control over eastern Europe to create a buffer zone between USSR and its future enemies.

What major decisions were difficult to agree upon at the Potsdam Conference?

• Because Britain, France, the USA, & USSR could not agree on German war repararations Germany was divided into occupied zones at the Potsdam Conference.

What is the Iron Curtain?

• Imaginary boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War 2

Define the US policy of Containment

• Strong resistance to the USSR would stop Russian expansion & the spread of communism.

The 3 parts to the Containment plan- define each one.

Truman Plan

• Offered U.S. military and economic assistance to any nation threatened by communism.


• Created to provide collective security for Western Europe, the USA, Canada, Greece, & Turkey

Marshall Plan

• Offered aid to help Europe recover

Stalin responded to Containment with the Berlin blockade- what was the Berlin blockade?

• USSR responded to Containment by cutting off all traffic to Berlin in East Germany

How did the military expand due to the Cold War?

• 3 new agencies were created so the military could better respond to treats to the U.S. security.

• Debt Of Defense, to direct te army, navy & the new air force

• Central Intelligence Agency, to collect and manage information among all gov’t agencies.

• Nat’l Security Council, to advise the president on

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