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Article Discussions


Submitted By slnylmz
Words 969
Pages 4
Article 20 provide insight into attributes to which developers and designers of such services should pay attention. nding that usefulness and ease of use are affecting the intention to use in the case of online services, the paper also identified that users were positively influenced by their acquaintances, commercials and related news about online ticket reservation positively
The results indicated that users were positively influenced by their acquaintances, commercials and related news about online ticket reservation positively.
This study aims to find important system and social factors, which influence the performance of using online services. They did surveys and interviews. The results of descriptive statistics revealed that participants have habituation of booking online ticket and they find those systems satisfactory. On the other hand, booking an online ticket is a complex task for them.
They looked at user habits when using online services. They looked at the adoption factors. They built their model based on technology accepteance model
his paper presents two parts of a comprehensive research project undertaken: exploration of adoption factors in the USA and comparison of them with those found in Turkey in a prior study by the same research team. Ease of use got the highest weight of 34.5% of the interviewees’. Interviewees affirmed that they do not want to deal with complicated mobile services. According to the findings above, mobile services providers should focus on ease of use and usefulness with affordable cost.
They looked at the mobile application use and adoption factors. They built their model based on technology acceptance model. They interviewed and they found that easy of use and usefulness is the most important both in the usa and turkey.
Article 23 explore the effects of technical, organisational and personal

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