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Submitted By mrsnoname
Words 678
Pages 3
Intro Essay:

Reading plays a major role in a person’s life. Through reading we learn and increase our knowledge. And since reading is so important, schools and even at our own home, spend a great deal of time showing children how to learn to read and use reading to gain information and for enjoyment. Most people learn to read while still quite young. But not everyone does. Some are not fortunate enough to have the opportunity. The reading readiness of a child is influenced by his physical growth, intelligence and experience before he enter schooling.
We can travel around the globe even without you passport. Through reading, we can go places, get more connected to other countries, and have more access to learn about different life style of varying nationalities. Reading is an avenue to enhance one’s imagination, or nourishment for the mind. It gives you a feeling of how it is to be a superhero, an alien, and sometimes a blood sucker. You feel the connection between you and the writer between you and the characters of the story. Reading also opens an opportunity to increase your vocabulary and creativity. It develops friendship by sharing the pleasure of good reading materials. Through reading, we get acquaintance with fascinating personalities who have become successful in their own crafts. Their secret to success; they read a lot! Mister John Gokongwei is a well-read tycoon in the Philippines, reading history, biography, annual reports and even magazines. This economic leader owns a various companies catering to the consumer product to airline needs of Filipino families. Miss Socorro Ramos loves reading books and she passes this on to the younger generation prompting her to create the now leading bookstore chain, the National Bookstore and let us not forget our very own Doctor Jose Rizal who at the age of three started to learn how to read having his own mother as his first teacher. He was a successful doctor, linguist, novelist and a poet. Despite of the many benefits we get from the habit of reading good reading materials, the number of young generation nowadays who love to read is going down at an alarming rate. Modern advances pose a threat to reading. It seems to be that the latest technology draws away the interest of present-day generation from the habit of reading books. There are children who for various reasons just do not like to read and would rather do something else with their time. Modern day gadgets, TV, computer games, are what most children of today are busy about. The aim of parents and teachers should be to encourage young people to become lifelong readers. Children showed not only learn to read well but also come to see reading as an essential and rewarding part of their lives. Reading should be a part of every child’s routine. Parents should also strive to be a good reader model. If their kids see them reading often, they will be influenced to do the same.

Statement of the Problem:
This research is about “The Effectiveness of Reading Habits to Filipino Achievement of Third Year Calasanz of Don Bosco College Basic Education Department High School Level, School Year 2012-2013”.

Specifically, the researchers seek to find answers to the following questions: 1. Is there any effect in the reading habits to Filipino achievements? 2. How does reading habits affect the academic performance of the Third Year Calasanz students? 3. Does reading habits have any effects on the students vocabulary, grammar and writing skills of the students of Third Year Calasanz students? 4. What problems do students encounter in forming their reading habits?

Null Hypothesis:
There is no significant effect of The Effectives of Reading Habits to Filipino Achievement of Third Year Calasanz of Don Bosco College Basic Education Department High School Level, School Year 2012-2013.

Alternative Hypothesis:
There is a significant effect of The Effectiveness of Reading Habits to Filipino Achievement of Third Year Calasanz of Don Bosco College Basic Education Department High School Level, School Year 2012-2013.

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