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Assignment on E Banking


Submitted By asifrehman13
Words 6931
Pages 28
Contents Introduction: 2 E-Banking Tools 2 ATM 2 Mobile banking 3 Credit Card 3 Objectives of the Study 3 Methodology of the study 3 Data Source: 3 Sampling Plan: 4 Research Hypotheses: 4 Limitations of the study and further agenda for research 4 Literature Review 5 Findings 6 Using e-banking tools are easy and convenient 6 Using e-banking tools are safe 8 Transaction of money is easy with E- banking tools. 10 Privacy protection provided E-banking tools 12 Regression (ATM) 14 Regression (Internet Banking) 17 Regression (Mobile Banking) 19 Problems in E-Banking in Bangladesh 22 Grievance Settlement in e-banking 22 Increased Customer Expectations in e-banking 22 Security Problems Solving 23 Capacity/Scalability related Problems 23 Commonly Used Procedures of Handling Grievance 23 Internal Machinery to Handle Customer Complaints 24 Recommendations 25 Conclusion 25


This is an era of electronic banking. E-banking refers to systems that enable bank customers to access accounts and general information on bank products or services through a computer or other intelligent device. E-banking offers speedier, quicker and dependable services to the customers for which it may relatively satisfy better than manual banking system. The rationale of this report is to recognize the impact of variables of e-banking on customer pleasure in Bangladesh. Gradually electronic banking is gaining much importance in Bangladesh. Customers‟ liking is necessary for the banking sector to elevate profitability, business expansion and accomplishment. Now-a-days banking sector is being modernized and expanding its hand in different financial events every day. At the same time the banking process is becoming faster and easier. In order to survive in the competitive field of the banking sector commercial banks are looking for better service

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