Premium Essay

At a Slaughterhouse Some Things Never Die


Submitted By alecsampson
Words 270
Pages 2
AT A SLAUGHTERHOUSE, SOME THINGS NEVER DIE 1. Mercedes and Armando Fernández work far from their home in Mexico in order to a. begin a better life in America. b. gain work experience. c. afford plumbing for their house. d. start a business in North Carolina. 2. Unionization failed at the Smithfield Packing Company in 1997 because a. workers did not like the idea of unionizing. b. the UFCWU union did not take a stand on illegal laborers. c. Americans perceived the union to be racist. d. police stopped workers from voting. 3. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has not investigated the Smithfield Packing Company because a. no one has complained or arose suspicions. b. the INS does not have jurisdiction on food processing properties. c. Smithfield has developed a deal with the INS. d. the INS is too bogged down to handle new complaints. 4. Whites and Native Americans are given jobs making boxes at Smithfield because a. they are perceived as too weak to work animal processing jobs. b. they demand to be separated from the Black and Mexican workers. c. box construction requires more thought. d. these jobs are considered easier and are reserved for privileged individuals.
True or False 5. Workers are given extensive training before they begin work at the Smithfield Packing Company. 6. The Smithfield Packing Company’s kill-floor is staffed primarily by workers from Mexico. 7, Making more than $8 per hour is common for workers in the North Carolina county where the Smithfield Packing Plant is located. 8. The primary racial tension at Smithfield is between Black and Mexican

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