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Beat The Breakout Analysis

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That is a significant figure for print media considering the current digital-focused age. One of Australia’s top-selling tween magazines, Girl Power, targets girls aged 7-13. The magazine’s content addresses the latest trends, entertainment, celebrity news and provides advice on topics such as friendship and fashion for its young female readers. An article included in the latest issue, titled “Beat the Breakout”, is an informative piece on the topic of skincare. KRASH, has a similar demographic, targeting boys aged 8-12. The magazine addresses what could be considered more traditionally masculine content including gaming, anime, sport, entertainment and grooming. An article featured in the latest issue, “Make way for a new wave”, is informative, …show more content…
Girl Power’s article has obvious issues relating to beauty and body image, in identifying acne as ‘the dreaded “A” word’. The negative language connotations highlight the insecurities of young females dealing with problematic skin and only serve to reinforce these ideas through suggesting it is something to be ashamed of. Ironically, the female model featured in the article does not have any signs of acne herself, posing her, in many cases, as an unattainable example to aspire towards, which, in turn, could lead to a low sense of self-esteem. Similarly, KRASH’s article on the latest hair trends for young boys titled “Make way for a new wave” raises similar concerns relating to body image. The article makes explicit references to celebrity hairstyles such as Justin Bieber as something for young boys to aspire towards, which is effective in persuading young readers to develop an appearance that mimics their idols, that are often beyond their years. Equally as concerning, is that the article makes attempts to categorise boys from a young age into hairstyles that suit certain personalities, such as the “surfer” or the “military inspired style”. This encourages conformity, for young male readers who are unable to categorise themselves within the narrow perception of society represented and this, in turn, can cause identity …show more content…
The purpose of Girl Power is to address content related to the latest trends, entertainment, celebrity news and provide relevant advice to young tweens aged 7-13. Similarly, KRASH magazine primarily addresses content focused on gaming, anime, sport, entertainment and grooming suitable for boys aged 8-12. Despite both of the analysed article’s informative nature, seeking to improve its respective readers on the topic of skincare and grooming, the obvious messages that promote beauty, idolisation and conformity are evidently dangerous to susceptible young

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