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Bible Dictionary Project


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Bible Dictionary Project Template

Name: Stephanie Sarver

Student ID: L27532575

Course: BIBL 104-D28

Date: 4/25/16

Old Testament Bible Dictionary Project:

Genesis: The first of the Bible gives the overall setting and theme for God’s plan and teachings. It has two sections with the first being about creating, sin, punishment, and redemption; the second being about God’s chosen family. The author of Genesis is unknown though it is part of the Pentateuch which is referred to as the books of Moses. The date it was written is also unknown though it can be suggested the authorship was around the time of moses, that is 1440 and 1400 B.C. The first 11 chapters deal with the universal setting for Israel’s story with showing that God is the one and only creator of the whole universe. Then it shifts from the creation of everything, to the creation and plan for the first and chosen family. Sin enters the world through a serpant and man falls from God’s grace which ultimately brings hardships and punishments to all the nations. God wipes the world clean except for one family, Noah, and promises to protect them. They multiply and populate the earth only to let human desire and want bring them divine punishment at the tower of Babel. He then calls on Abraham to leave and start a new beginning with a plan to bless and redeem humanity. Jacob and Isaac, lead a new generation to carry out God’s plan. Esau’s sons Joseph was sold into slavery only to have God bring him to power in Egypt; showing the patriarchal fathers and the heritage of Gods people.

Abraham: Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude”, lived for 175 years and was the son of Terah who was a decendant from Noah. His childhood name was Abram meaning “father is exalted”. After his father moved his family to Haran in Genesis, his father died and God moved him to emigrate to Canaan where God promised he would be a father of many nations. God gave him and his wife many covenantal assurances to trust in his old age giving making Abrahams faith in the story a prime example of God’s timing, patience, and faith. He had his first son, Ishmael, with a concubine Hagar but failed to produce the heir of his family. Finally, when Abraham was 100, his wife Sarah meaning “Princess” have birth to the heir, Isacc, “laughter”. Ishmael started causing problems and was banished with his mother to the wilderness in Paran. Abrahams faith was tested again when God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac; willingly, Abraham was going to do this until God provided an alternate sacrifice after seeing his obedience to His will. God kept his covenant of fathering many nations. His wife, however, died and was buried in Machpelah. Afterwards, Isaac married a relative of Abraham from Mesopotamia named Rebekah. Abraham remarried and had many more children, eventually dying at the age of 175. He is known as “God’s forever friend”, God became known as “the God of Abraham”, and God’s plan for human salvation and future generations became assured.

Bethlehem: Pronounced, behth' lih hehm, means “House of Bread”, “fighting”, Lahamu”. It was first thought be heard of before 1300 B.C. in a letter written by the ruler of Jerusalem. It is located about 5 miles south, southwest of Jerusalem in the limestone ridge in the Judean hills. The region is fertile with corn good for making bread along with figs, vines, almonds, and olives. It was first noted for the burial place of Rachel which is located along the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. Rachel is mentioned in Genesis 35:19; Judges 17: 7-13 references a Levite who lived there who became a priest of Micah; Judges 19:1 references the concubine of the Levite who lived in Bethlehem; and the Book of Ruth takes place in Bethlehem. Ruth gives major events and importance to the anointing of David in 1 Samuel chapter 16 and 17 giving spotlight to the line of David. It is also referenced in 2 Samual as Elhanan’s home (23:24), burial place os Asahel (2:32), and the place of the Philistine garrison (23:14). 2 Chronicals 11:6 mentions a fort of Rehaboam and Jeremiah 41:17 and Ezra 2:21 mention Babylonian Exile. It is most known for the Birthplace of Jesus Christ that is most remembered by Christianity about the site. It is mostly inhabited by Jew and Muslims.

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...Bible Dictionary Project Instructions For these 2 distinct projects, imagine you are writing a series of short articles for a Bible Dictionary. As we have seen in our study, Bible dictionaries are useful tools to learn more about the books, people, and places we encounter in Scripture. Your task will be to write: 1. Three concise 200–250-word essays about a book, person, and setting/place from the Old Testament (Due at the end of Module/Week 5). 2. Three concise 200–250-word essays about a book, person, and setting/place from the New Testament (Due at the end of Module/Week 8). Content Guidelines: Choose 1 book, person, and place from the list of the provided topics for each of the 2 projects. Your essay must include the following per item: Book: Your biblical book essay must include: The basic literary genre, authorship, date written, key themes, purposes, major events, and main personalities. Person: This essay must include: The dates of the character’s life, place of birth, summary of their role or positions held, defining events in their life and work, contemporaries (other biblical characters they are associated with, etc.), and their legacy. If they are a biblical author, list the related works. Setting/Place (i.e., municipality, kingdom, empire): This essay must include: The keys dates (i.e., founding, demise, etc.), clarification of the location (regional description, the relevance of the place from a biblical/Ancient Near East (ANE) perspective...

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