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Biblical/Christian Worldview Origin

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Defining Worldview
The meaning of the term “worldview” is a structure of beliefs of which a person uses and looks through when examining the world around them (Hindson & Caner, 2008).
The Biblical Worldview
The biblical/Christian Worldview of origin is God created humans and the world. Psalm 100:3 says that the Lord is who created humans and humans are His people. Romans 1:20 talks about God creating the world, allowing for His power and His divine nature being able to be seen clearly throughout the whole world.
The biblical/Christian Worldview of identity is that humans are a special creation of the eternal God (Weider & Gutierrez, 2013). God created mankind in His own image, making humans different than animals (Genesis 1:27). God …show more content…
John 17:3 says humans were made so that they may know God and, His son, Jesus Christ. Additionally, Ephesians 2:10 discusses how humans are God’s handiwork and were created in advance in the heart of Jesus Christ to do good works.
The biblical/Christian Worldview of morality is based on God’s words given through the Bible. Christians believe all humans are born sinners and through Jesus Christ can be saved. Christians know through their faith and grace that they have been saved by God (Ephesians 2:8). Romans 3:21-26 tells Christians that everyone is a sinner and through the redemption of Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved.
The biblical/Christian Worldview of destiny can take place in either Heaven or Hell. A person’s eternal state is determined by their salvation. Matthew 25:31-46 discusses how the righteous will be repaid for the good they have shown while the rest will be thrown into the eternal fire. Revelation 20:15 says anyone who is not in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire.
How a Biblical Worldview Influences My

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