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Submitted By salmanabid045
Words 35643
Pages 143


Contents Preface 1. Discover Your Calling 2. Every Day, Be Kind to a Stranger 3. Maintain Your Perspective 4. Practice Tough Love 5. Keep a Journal 6. Develop an Honesty Philosophy 7. Honor Your Past 8. Start Your Day Well 9. Learn to Say No Gracefully 10. Take a Weekly Sabbatical 11. Talk to Yourself 12. Schedule Worry Breaks 13. Model a Child 14. Remember, Genius Is 99 Percent Inspiration 15. Care for the Temple 16. Learn to Be Silent 17. Think About Your Ideal Neighborhood 18. Get Up Early 19. See Your Troubles as Blessings 20. Laugh More 21. Spend a Day Without Your Watch 22. Take More Risks 23. Live a Life

24. Learn from a Good Movie 25. Bless Your Money 26. Focus on the Worthy 27. Write Thank – You Notes 28. Always Carry a Book with You 29. Create a Love Account 30. Get Behind People’s Eyeballs 31. List Your Problems 32. Practice the Action Habit 33. See Your Children as Gifts 34. Enjoy the Path, Not Just the Reward 35. Remember That Awareness Precedes Change 36. Read Tuesday’s With Morrie 37. Master Your Time 38. Keep Your Cool 39. Recruit a Board of Directors 40. Cure Your Monkey Mind 41. Get Good at Asking 42. Looking for the Higher Meaning of Your Work 43. Build a Library of Heroic Books 44. Develop Your Talents 45. Connect with Nature 46. Use Your Commute Time 47. Go on a News Fast 48. Get Serious About Setting Goals 49. Remember the Rule of 21 50. Practice Forgiveness 51. Drink Fresh Fruit Juice 52. Create a Pure Environment 53. Walk in the Woods 54. Get a Coach 55. Take a Mini – Vacation 56. Become a Volunteer 57. Find Your Six Degrees of Separation 58. Listen to Music Daily 59. Write a Legacy Statement 60. Find Three Great Friends 61. Read The Artist’s Way 62. Learn to Meditate 63. Have a Living Funeral

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Anime Addiction

...Acknowledgement This research paper would not be exist without the Help of our parents, who give us advice when we need them, Who inspires to work this research paper, they were a great source of support and encouragement. To Mrs. Dinah L. Mission who gives us this project to experience how to make a research paper and give us an idea to make this research paper complete. To all of our friends who give us support and to share their ideas to this research paper. To our God w Dedication This research paper is to the people who help us Table of Contents Title Page i Table of Contents ii Chapter 1 What is anime? Why is Anime Addicting? Does watching anime affect our personality? What can and can’t we learn from watching anime? How can anime influence us? What is anime? According to “a Japanese style of motion-picture animation, characterized by highly stylized, colorful art, futuristic settings, Violence and, sexuality.” According to anime otaku (obsessed of anime) “essential for life on this planet. A type of art that isn’t stationary, an art that doesn’t bore you to death. Without it I would have died of boredom.” Anime is short for Animation. Usually when talking about “anime” it is referred to Japanese animation that has been adapted from...

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Forever 21

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