Premium Essay

British Petroleum


Submitted By myragarcia88
Words 610
Pages 3
British Petroleum is without a doubt one of the world’s most profitable companies of all time. British Petroleum or (BP) is the leading oil extraction company worldwide, therefore substantially affecting millions of people and companies. Bp gains its profits by transforming the oil it retains from around the world into the biggest commodity around; petrol, known as gasoline. In addition, Bp is also a major supplier of low carbon energy generated naturally by windmills and other means across America. Thus, satisfying the request that many American consumers have brought up in a publicized meeting regarding alternate means of energy.
Bp, being one of the leading companies in the world affects an extremely wide base of, investors, retailers, dealers, and stock holders, not to mention the ninety six thousand employees currently working around the clock at their various locations. Many consumers assume that Bp with all its power and wealth couldn’t possible care what it is doing to the environment or economy; however, this couldn’t be any further from the truth. According to, Bp is currently partnered with over 13 major companies researching and utilizing Biofuel technologies; Advanced Biofuels Association, American Petroleum Institute, and Biotechnology Industry Organization, are just a few. With a net value of about seventy billion, Bp has many shares/stockholders and cares nothing more than making these valued customers happy with their decision to invest in Bp. One of their many ways of showing gratitude is by releasing an annual report of business activities, progress, and prospects to all shareholders. There is also a yearly general meeting held in London that shareholders may attend, express their concerns, and question the company’s directors, David Allen (Group Chief of staff) and Tony Hayward (CEO), (
Bp makes it a point to

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