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Business Leadership


Submitted By sumitcontact
Words 15413
Pages 62
Journal of Information Technology (2005) 20, 67–87

& 2005 JIT Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. All rights reserved 0268-3962/05 $30.00 Research article

A critical analysis of decision support systems research
David Arnott1, Graham Pervan2
1 2

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia

Correspondence: G Pervan, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. Tel: þ 618-92667390; Fax: þ 618-92663076; E-mail:

Abstract This paper critically analyses the nature and state of decision support systems (DSS) research. To provide context for the analysis, a history of DSS is presented which focuses on the evolution of a number of sub-groupings of research and practice: personal DSS, group support systems, negotiation support systems, intelligent DSS, knowledge management-based DSS, executive information systems/business intelligence, and data warehousing. To understand the state of DSS research an empirical investigation of published DSS research is presented. This investigation is based on the detailed analysis of 1,020 DSS articles published in 14 major journals from 1990 to 2003. The analysis found that DSS publication has been falling steadily since its peak in 1994 and the current publication rate is at early 1990s levels. Other findings include that personal DSS and group support systems dominate research activity and data warehousing is the least published type of DSS. The journal DSS is the major publishing outlet; US ‘Other’ journals dominate DSS publishing and there is very low exposure of DSS in European journals. Around two-thirds of DSS research is empirical, a much higher proportion than general IS research. DSS empirical research is overwhelming positivist, and is more dominated by positivism than IS research in general. Design science is a major

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