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Business Managerment Techniques


Submitted By bigbets01
Words 1661
Pages 7
Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Models
Rebecca Boning
University of Phoenix

Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Models The phenomenon of leadership has been studied extensively over many years by a diverse group of researcher for the purpose of understanding how and why some people have power and influence over others and how this impacts society and history. Additionally, understanding how leaders impact organizational success, follower success, and even their own success has been a much sought after and controversial concept. While there are varying leadership models and theories, four leadership models include: transformational leadership model, transactional leadership model, charismatic leadership model, and situational theory of leadership.
Four Leadership Models
Transformational Leadership According to Avolio and Yammarino (2002), leader-follower interaction can be based on either transactional or transforming. Transactional leader-follower relationship is contingent upon the “exchange of valued items, whether political, economic, or emotional” (Avolio & Yammarino, 2002, p. 7). By contrast, transformational leader-follower relationship is “where the motivation, morality, and ethical aspirations of the leader and followers are raised” (Avolio & Yammarino, 202, p. 7). Transformational leaders, according to Avolio and Yammarino (2002), “act as agents of change by transforming followers’ attitudes, beliefs, and motives from a lower to a higher level of arousal” (p. 8). Additionally, transformational leaders provide to their followers vision, develop emotional relationships, and create an organizational culture that goes beyond self-interest (Avolio & Yammarino, 2002). Transactional leaders differ from transformational leaders in the way that goals and task requirements are clarified, and successful performance by followers is

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