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Cannabinoid Research Paper

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Marijuana has a unique chemical structure that is called cannabinoids. Other than the kind synthesized chemically, there are 86 known different cannabinoids that are found in nature. The most common and most well-known cannabinoid is THC which is tetrahydrocannabinol. This cannabinoid is commonly used to measure the potency of the marijuana. It usually occurs in concentrations of less than 0.5% for inactive hemp, 4-20% in higher marijuana, 2-3% in marijuana leaves, and many others such as tonics, extracts, and resin have higher concentrations of THC. Sinsemilla is a type of seedless bud and it has the highest concentration of THC which is 10-20% or even more. This will not naturally occur in the cannabis plant. It occurs in an acidic form (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid or THCA). This acid is converted into and active when heat is applied, which is called decarboxylation. THCA is inactive mostly so eating it raw will not have …show more content…
These are also called isoprenoids, and are a combination of many isoprene units. The purpose these terpenoids serve in marijuana is that it is an aromatic chemical that are found in many plants like citrus plants, pine trees, and many others. They make up the flavor and aroma of marijuana. They also have flavonoids which are chemicals that are very common to plants. Cannabis has over 20 of these and some of the overall flavonoids are exclusive to cannabis. These also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which also prevent against many major diseases. From many marijuana users, it has been reported that when these people use different types of cannabis they experience different kinds of highs and effects. This is caused because when they use different types of cannabis, it has different chemical concentrations, so the concentration of cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids are different in different types of

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