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Carbon Sequestration as a Tool for City Greening


Submitted By Fadera
Words 2757
Pages 12
CARBON SEQUESTRATION AS A TOOL FOR CITY GREENING(A case study of Atunrase, a residential estate in metropolitan Lagos. ) *Williams, Fadera. A1, Adejumo, T.A2 1. Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria. (, +2347088772009.) 2. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Environmental sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria.(, +2348034431439.) ABSTRACT
Urban greening as a philosophy is a recent development in the Nigerian built environment. The dearth of green infrastructure in metropolitan Lagos is a typical example. This paper explores carbon sequestration as a tool for greening the urban areas with a view to creating sinks for emitted carbon generated by households in the Lagos metropolis. This study is underpinned by the green city concept. A random survey of household interviews were conducted within Atunrase estate, Gbagada, Lagos State. Domestic activities limited to the use of kerosene, P.M.S and butane (excluding influx of carbon emissions via vehicular sources or otherwise) were recorded and based on carbon emission coefficients for carbon emitting substances, the carbon content emitted by the use of these was calculated. The vegetation required to offset these carbon emissions generated was then estimated. The total amount of carbon generated within the estate is 176,904kg and it will be offset by planting trees, groundcover and shrubs. A total area of 81,380m2 will accommodate grass (lawn) along both sides of the streets, canal, the proposed neighbourhood park and within each house plot. A total of 3,350 shrubs and a total of 1668 trees are proposed to offset 153,944.3kg of the total amount of domestic carbon generated. In conclusion, Nigeria as a country has experienced the impacts of the erratic climate change in the

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