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Career Development Plan Part I--Job Analysis and Selection Report


Submitted By talofa
Words 1525
Pages 7
Career Development Plan Part I--Job Analysis and Selection Report
Lorna L. King
HRM 531
August 16, 2010
Scott Beck

1. Executive Summary
The findings show that Team King has the right skills and talent to take InterClean, to the new strategic direction of providing full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. Team King will undergo an intensive training program in the next month. Each member has sales goals of a minimum of two contracts per month and maintains contacts with current clients. Therefore, I recommend a 10% sales bonus for any sales above the minimum sales goal of two contracts per month.
2. Contents
1. Executive Summary 2
3. Introduction 3 4. Findings 3
4.1 Job Analysis 3 4.1.1 Job Analysis Methods 3
4.1.2 Job Duties 4
4.2 Workforce Planning System 4
4.2.1 Talent Inventory /Positions 4 4.2.2 Action Plan (training, placement, promotion, development and compensation). 5
4.2.3 Goals 5
4.3 Selection 6 5. Conclusions 7
6. Recommendations 7
7. Biography/references 8

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