Premium Essay

Case Study: Pt Telkom’s Recruitment, Selection and Training Process


Submitted By nami101
Words 3407
Pages 14

Agung Budiman
Annisa Kusumawardhani Sabran
Maria Grace Imanuella
Ramavito Mountaino
Yohann Mayo P

Managing human resources is one of the most important things to support activities in a company. To attain profit sought by the company, they have to pay attention to the human resources available in fulfilling their goal. Companies need to meticulously plan and analyze the process of recruitment, selection, and training stage, to produce high-quality workforce.
PT Telkom is a company that is trying to survive the constantly changing circumstances. In the past, many people were keen to work in PT Telkom, considering it as a pride. Today, with the Y generation searching for jobs in the labour market, the interest in working in the company has slowly diminished. Moreover, the existing new employees merely utilize PT Telkom as a stepping stone. PT Telkom needs new employees to perform daily activities and regeneration. Thus a strategy in managing human resources is an important factor in order for PT Telkom to sustain its business, and this becomes an interesting point of study. Therefore, by looking at the three topics, recruitment, selection and training; a wider understanding of the real case of PT Telkom will broaden the knowledge on the issue.

* 23 Oktober 1856 - layanan jasa telegraf elektromagnetik Jakarta (Batavia) – Bogor (Buitenzorg) * 1961 - Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Telekomunikasi (PN Postel) * 1965 - PN Postel dipecah menjadi Perusahaan Negara Pos dan Giro (PN Pos & Giro) dan Perusahaan Negara Telekomunikasi (PN Telekomunikasi) * 1974 - PN Telekomunikasi diubah namanya menjadi Perusahaan Umum Telekomunikasi (Perumtel) * 1991 - Perumtel berubah bentuk menjadi Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) Telekomunikasi Indonesia * 14 November 1995 -

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