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Case Study Sample


Submitted By dn1231
Words 804
Pages 4
Running head: CASE STUDY XYZ

Case Study XYZ: An Examination of Project Procurement Management Practices
Group 12
John Doe
Jane Smith
Bobbie Sue

University of Maryland University College
Project Procurement Management, Semester XXXX, Section XXXX
Professor Stephen R. Guth

MMMM DD, YYYY [No Abstract or Introduction required for this assignment]

The Inception Phase

Rating Scale: 5—Excellent, 4—Very Good, 3—Good, 2—Poor, 1—Very Poor
|Project Management Area |Inception Phase |
|Scope Management | |
|Time Management | |
|Cost Management | |
|Quality Management | |
|Human Resource Management | |
|Communication Management | |
|Risk Management | |
|Procurement Management | |
|Integration Management | |

Procurement Management Rating Rationale

[Brief narrative, with references, of the team’s rationale for the Procurement Management rating given above for this phase of the project]

Project Management Area Strengths

[Very brief narrative of

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