Premium Essay

Ceo Compensation


Submitted By byrdts
Words 977
Pages 4
Security of employment is one of the most prevalent issues between the employer and his employees. The unions try their best to cope with the problems and follow the guidelines within the contract binding on all union members established under the collective bargaining agreement. The cases below will be analyzed and conclusions will be made based on the research of the facts provided and questions provided in this case study. Questions to be answered are the following:
Case #11- Steven Goldberg and Uranus Umbrella Company a. How would you advise Uranus? b. How would you advise Steven? c. Should the union get involved? d. Is there a reasonable accommodation to be made?

Case #12-Skidmore and Swift Company a. Was this situation unfair to Skidmore? b. Should this work arrangement continue if employees feel this strongly against it? c. Is there an ethical issue on the part of the employer? The employee?

Case #11
This case involves the issue of whether a violation of collective bargaining agreement will occur if accommodating a shift adjustment request by an employee.
The rule states that in order for a violation of a collective bargaining agreement to be an unlawful practice, it must have compromised an employee’s contracted rights, such as seniority and shift preference in order to accommodate the religious beliefs of a particular employee. This presents an undue hardship for the employer (Moran, 2014). Analysis: Steven Goldberg, who is Jewish, is a factory worker at Uranus Umbrella Company. His work shift has been changed on weekdays from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. He asks for an accommodation to have his shift adjusted on Fridays to allow him to return home before sunset. Uranus claims this accommodation would place it in violation of the seniority provision of the collective bargaining agreement it

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