Premium Essay

Chapter 6


Submitted By dianeloren
Words 1471
Pages 6
Financial Strategy
Chapter 6

Objectives and Goals * Financial – not necessarily profits, but return on investment (ROI) – primary focus. * Societal – helping to improve the world around us. * Personal – self-gratification, status, respect.

Components of Strategic Profit Model

Strategic Profit Model: An Overview It is a method for summarizing the factors that affect the firm’s financial performance as measured by ROA. The model decomposes of two components: 1. Net Profit Margin – is simply how much profit (after tax) a firm makes divided by its net sales. It reflects the profits generated from each sales. 2. Asset Turnover – is the retailer’s net sales divided by its assets. This assesses the productivity of a firm’s investment in its asset and indicates how many sales are generated by each dollar of sales.

This two components is determined by two set of activities, profit management and asset management, and that high ROA can be achieved by various combinations of net profit margin and asset turnover

Retailing View Summary: Federal Department Stores vs. Costco Federated Department Stores operates two national department store chains, Macy’s and Bloomingdales’s. Like other department store chains, Federated offers a wide variety of fashionable apparel and home furnishings, a relatively high level of customer service provided by its sales associates and an attractive shopping environment. Costco’s warehouse stores, in contrast, offer limited assortment of food and general merchandise in a self-service, warehouse environment.

Profit Margin Management Path Information used to examine the profit margin management path comes from the retailer’s income statement, which summarizes a firm’s financial performance over a period of time.

Income Statement for Federated Department Stores and Costco

Profit Management

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