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Character Analysis Of Johnny In The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton

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During the reading of “The Outsiders,” written by S.E. Hinton, I automatically felt a connection with Johnny Cade, a greaser who was friends with the main character - Ponyboy. Johnny had a pretty rough life which is made obvious throughout the book. About 4 months before the book begins, Johnny is critically beaten up by a group of Socs which had left him jittery and on edge. That’s not all Johnny has faced with the Socs, however, he has also killed one when the same group tried to drown Ponyboy. Johnny is in a stage of being nervous all the time and carries a blade with him everywhere. A blade that he’ll eventually have to use to protect himself and Ponyboy. However, Johnny is not a wanted criminal, in the eyes of many he is a hero.

Most importantly, Johnny is first described as “The gangs pet.” Or “A little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times.” Johnny has had it rough since the beginning. Johnnys parents are viewed as uncaring and unloving. Which is why Johnny basically did anything he wanted because his parents wouldn’t care. He stayed away from home a lot, often sleeping in vacant lots or at Ponyboys house. On top of that, Johnny was severely beaten by a group of Socs last spring. This led to PTSD and fear, and this fear would lead to him potentially killing a Soc. …show more content…
Towards the middle of “The Outsiders,” Ponyboy and Johnny went into a burning old abandoned church to save a group of little kids stuck inside. Johnny didn’t have run into that burning building but he saved those kids because it was the right thing to do. It would’ve been hard for him to live with himself knowing that he didn’t save those kids. Although he was a hero, that didn’t changed how Johnny viewed himself. Rescuing those children was a selfless action that Johnny performed well. And after being involved in so much violence, it probably made him feel clean, which is what Johnny

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