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Child Molestation


Submitted By robertscl87
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In this case Hank will be charged with child molestation; aggrevated child molestation all other charges like sodomy child sexual abuse will fall into that catergory as well. Top of Form
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Child molestation is a crime involving a range of indecent or sexual activities between an adult and a child, usually under the age of 14.

It is important to keep in mind that child molestation and child Sexual Abuse refer to specific, legally defined actions.

Not all incidents of child molestation are perpetrated by pedophiles; sometimes the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child molestation is perpetrated by pedophiles, and not all pedophiles actually commit child molestation.

Regardless of the terminology, it is illegal for an adult to touch any portion of a child's body with a "Lewd and lascivious" intent.

Usually, consent is not a matter of consideration, and is not available as a defense to a charge of child molestation.

Criminal penalties are severe for those convicted of child molestation.

It is difficult to accurately assess the number of child molesters because many child molesters are not caught.

There is no single profile that accurately describes or accounts for all child molesters.

One common misconception is that molested children grow up to become child molesters themselves.

In some instances, if a child is sexually victimized, and is abused in other ways as well, he or she may later molest a child.

A sexually abused child who also exhibits antisocial behavior may go on to commit acts of child molestation, although an individual's inadequate social and interpersonal skills do not make it inevitable that he will sexually abuse children.

Offenders commonly report fewer incidents of child molestation than those for which they are ultimately convicted.

Child molesters have been known to re-offend as late as 20 years following release into the community.

The laws take their name from a child named Megan Kanka who was abducted, molested, and murdered by a convicted child molester who lived near her home in New Jersey.

The "Amber Alert" involves law enforcement and broadcast media response when there is a report of a missing child, and it appears that the child has been abducted by a sexual predator.

Although the scope of the Amber Alert varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, the criteria to trigger it are generally consistent: the missing child falls within a certain age range; the law enforcement agency believes the child has been abducted; the agency believes the missing child is under threat of serious bodily harm or death.

In all cases, law enforcement activates an Amber Alert by notifying broadcast media with relevant information about the child's identity, the description of the suspected perpetrator, and the circumstances of the abduction.

Once an Amber Alert has been issued by law enforcement, radio and television stations interrupt regularly scheduled programming to notify the public that a child has been kidnapped and to provide relevant information about the case.

Because approximately 95 percent of all people driving in their cars are tuned in to a radio station, the Amber Alert is an extremely effective way of disseminating descriptions of the child, the kidnapper, accomplices, and vehicles.

For several years numerous charges of child molestation and other allegations of sexual abuse or improprieties were levied against members of the Roman Catholic clergy.

In Australia, 51 priests were convicted of child molestation between 1992 and 2003.

The priest was ultimately sentenced to nine years for child molestation.

Upon inquiry, similar stories of child molestation or other sexual abuse and financial cover-ups have drained the financial resources of many parishes.

While these revelations of priests molesting children have focused attention on the issue, the breadth of child sexual abuse reaches beyond the Catholic Church
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