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Submitted By rebeccalemkova
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CIMA’S Official Learning System
CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting,
2006 Syllabus

Certificate Level

Fundamentals of
Ethics, Corporate
Governance and
Business law
David Sagar
Larry Mead
Philippa Foster Back



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Lanjiao La

...1.0 Question 1 To : James Moody Date : 25th November 2015 From : Chew Sin Hong Title : i) The Changes in the Business Environment that have contributed to the growth and importance of Management Accounting. ii) Role of Management Accountant play in a company`s value chain function. Management accounting nowadays are growing and it is becoming more and more important in the current trend. Management accounting is a process of measurement, accumulation, identification, preparation, analysis, communication and also interpretation of all the information of finance used by the management to evaluate, control and plan an organization with addition to assure the correct use and responsibility for the resource that are available. Management accounting likewise contains the arrangement of money related reports for non-administration groups, for example, shareholders, regulatory agency, creditor and the authorities for the tax (Ed, 2008). There are few factors that lead to the importance and growth of the management accounting. First of all are the globalization. Globalization is important and also a big role for the organization to sustain and survive in the current trend. This globalization are one of the factor that cause management accounting to be important because of the increasing of the communication and also the advancement of the transportation which allow company to penetrate into the market that have more potential customer has been widely expand. Therefore company...

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Week 4 Discussion Questions

...alternatives. For example, if the direct material cost of a product is the same for two competing designs, the material cost is not a relevant factor in choosing a design. However, other qualitative factors relating to the material, such as durability, may still be relevant. Likewise, fixed costs can be relevant if they vary between alternatives. Consider rent paid for a facility to store inventory. Although the rent is a fixed cost, it is relevant to a decision to reduce inventory storage costs through justin-time production techniques if the cost of the rent can be avoided (by subleasing the space, for example) by choosing one alternative over another. The costs which should be used for decision making are often referred to as "relevant costs". CIMA defines relevant costs as 'costs appropriate to aiding the making of specific management decisions'. To affect a decision a cost must be: a) Future: Past costs are irrelevant, as we cannot affect them by current decisions and they are common to all alternatives that we may choose. b)...

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