Free Essay

Cis 126 Quiz1 Ch 1-2


Submitted By alee132
Words 1794
Pages 8
UID: ________ Name: _______________ ___________________
Study Guide

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ___T_ 1. In a centralized approach all the user's data and applications reside on the server; this type of network is referred to as a server-based network.

__F__ 2. Network functionality in UNIX must be installed separately from the original operating system.

__F__ 3. The user is at the bottom layer of a UNIX operating system pyramid.

___T_ 4. GNOME is a terminal emulation program.

__F__ 5. Logic refers to a command's format and wording, as well as the options and arguments you can use to extend and modify its functions.

__T__ 6. You use the cat command to combine two files and redirect the output to other files.

___T_ 7. Some versions of UNIX include the umask command which enables you to set permissions on multiple files at one time.

___F_ 8. You can use the com command to combine two files and redirect the output.

__T__ 9. The tilda (~) is used to represent the home directory when copying files.

__F__ 10. The asterisk (*) symbol of a wildcard can ONLY take the place of a single character.

__F__ 11. To list hidden files in your home directory, you can use the ls -h command.

__T__ 12. The figure shown above represents the contents of the /directory.

___T_ 13. UNIX interprets two consecutive dots to mean the parent directory.

____ 14. A path that takes a shorter journey is referred to as a virtual path.

____ 15. In the Bash shell prompt, the \] marks the end of a sequence of non-printed characters.

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true. ____ 16. The whatis command displays a brief description of a command. _________________________

____ 17. The who command displays a long file one screen at a time. _________________________

____ 18. The command used to change your password is paswod. _________________________

____ 19. In order to log out of the Bourne shell in the UNIX operating system, you would type log out. ____________

____ 20. You would use a(n) exclamation point in order to exit out of the online manual in UNIX. _______________

____ 21. You can type more than one command on the command line by separating each command with a(n) underscore. _________________________

____ 22. UNIX is NOT case sensitive. _________________________

____ 23. Linux uses the freeware Korn shell as the default command line interpreter. _________________________

____ 24. In UNIX a keyboard, printer, or monitor is referred to as a file. _________________________

____ 25. A partition does NOT have to be mounted before it becomes part of the file system. _________________

____ 26. The /ker directory contains binaries or executables. _________________________

____ 27. The bootstrap loader is the utility that starts the operating system. _________________________

____ 28. The /var directory holds subdirectories which have sizes that often change. _________________________

____ 29. In UNIX a double dot is used to interpret the current directory. _________________________

____ 30. In UNIX you would use the cp command to copy files from one directory to another. ___________________
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 31. A(n) ____ controls all of the computer's resources and provides the base upon which programs can be used or written. a. | application program | c. | master boot log | b. | operating system | d. | BIOS log |

____ 32. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning a personal computer system? a. | It is a standalone machine | c. | It is often referred to as a dumb terminal. | b. | It can be a desktop or a laptop | d. | None of the above |

____ 33. Which of the following did NOT adopt the original UNIX design concepts, such as the idea of a shell? a. | Apple | c. | Microsoft Windows | b. | Microsoft DOS | d. | All of the above |

____ 34. In the figure shown, which letter represents the UNIX operating system kernel? a. | A | c. | C | b. | B | d. | D |

____ 35. UNIX was written in which of the following programming languages? a. | FORTRAN | c. | C | b. | Pascal | d. | Visual Basic |

____ 36. Which of the following shells includes a history feature that lets you use a keyboard shortcut to retrieve commands you previously entered? a. | Korn | c. | Bash | b. | Bourne | d. | None of the above |

____ 37. Which of the following is NOT an example of a usable shell for UNIX? a. | ash | c. | tcsh | b. | ysh | d. | zsh |

____ 38. Which of the following freeware shells was derived from the Korn shell? a. | tcsh | c. | Bash | b. | zsh | d. | All of the above |

____ 39. Which of the following freeware shells was derived from the C shell? a. | ash | c. | Both A and B | b. | tcsh | d. | zsh |

____ 40. UNIX passwords can NOT contain which of the following? a. | Letters | c. | Control characters | b. | Punctuation | d. | Numbers |

____ 41. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the UNIX operating system? a. | It is case sensitive. | c. | It is portable. | b. | It is NOT case sensitive. | d. | It is NOT portable. |

____ 42. A(n) ____ specifies what operation to perform. a. | command_name | c. | command?name | b. | command-name | d. | command#name |

____ 43. Which of the following commands is used to determine which shell an individual may be using? a. | echo#SHELL | c. | echo$SHELL | b. | echo_SHELL | d. | echo?SHELL |

____ 44. The figure shown represents which of the following? a. | A manual page | c. | Output for the whatis command | b. | Output for the whois command | d. | None of the above |

____ 45. UNIX lets you change your password ONLY if the new password differs from the old one by which of the following? a. | At least three characters | c. | At least one character | b. | At least two characters | d. | None of the above |

____ 46. A tree-like structure for UNIX file systems starts at the root level; root is the name of the file at the base of this level and is denoted by which of the following symbols? a. | Pound sign (#) | c. | Forward slash (/) | b. | Question mark (?) | d. | Back slash (\) |

____ 47. Partition size is measured in which of the following methods? a. | Megabytes | c. | Both A and B | b. | Gigabytes | d. | Virtual bytes |

____ 48. A(n) ____ acts like an extension of memory so that UNIX has more room to run large programs. a. | utility partition | c. | home partition | b. | swap partition | d. | GNOME partition |

____ 49. The /lib directory contains which of the following types of information? a. | Kernel modules | c. | Security information | b. | Shared library images | d. | All of the above |

____ 50. You can use the UNIX ____ command to display your current path. a. | wdp | c. | pwd | b. | dwp | d. | path |

____ 51. When copying files, you can use which of the following characters to represent the location of your home directory? a. | Dollar sign ($) | c. | Tilda(~) | b. | Pound sign (#) | d. | All of the above |

____ 52. In the figure shown, which letter represents group permissions? a. | A | c. | C | b. | B | d. | D |

____ 53. Which of the following types of permissions for directories means that the user can make the directory a current working directory? a. | Read | c. | Execute | b. | Write | d. | None of the above |

____ 54. Which of the following formatting characters marks the end of a sequence of non-printed characters? a. | \\ | c. | \$ | b. | \] | d. | \! |

____ 55. Which of the following formatting characters displays the path of a working directory? a. | \W | c. | \w | b. | \D | d. | \d |

Indicate whether you agree with the statement.

____ 56. Is a mainframe computer a PC with a single processor?

____ 57. Is a server often referred to as a client?

____ 58. Do peer-to-peer networks work best for small networks?

____ 59. Is the user mode a mode in the UNIX file system that is reserved for the administrator?

____ 60. Is Bash the default shell in Linux?

____ 61. Is the UNIX operating system case sensitive?

____ 62. Is the unique name for the system administrator referred to as backup operator?

____ 63. Does the -n option in conjunction with the date command, display time in Greenwich mean time?

____ 64. Does UNIX consider everything it interacts with a file, including attached devices?

____ 65. Does a partition have to be mounted before it becomes part of a file system?

____ 66. Does the /boot partition act like an extension of memory?

____ 67. Is a console a monitor connected directly to your system?

____ 68. Do device names beginning with sd give you access to IDE hard drives?

____ 69. Is the /sbin directory a directory that occupies no space on the disk and is a virtual file system allocated in memory ONLY?

____ 70. Does the \w formatting character display the name of a working directory without any other path information?
Complete each statement.

71. You would use the ____________________ symbol to send output to a file that already exists ONLY if you want to overwrite the current file.

72. To view the first or last few lines of a file, you would type the ____________________ command.

73. Another name for a UNIX system administrator is ____________________.

74. You may type more than one command on a command line by separating each command with a(n) ____________________.

75. A command's ____________________ always follows the command options, separated by white space.

76. A(n) ____________________ is the section of the hard disk that has been formatted to hold files.

77. The ____________________ is an example of how partitions are identified with UNIX.

78. A partition must be ____________________ before it becomes part of a file system.

79. You must always use a(n) ____________________ after a UNIX command before including arguments to that command.

80. You can use the ____________________ command to combine two files and redirect the output of another file.

Identify the correct word with its corresponding definition. a. | /boot | f. | Tilda (~) | b. | Relative path | g. | /bin | c. | /W | h. | Root | d. | Swap partition | i. | Group ids | e. | Directory | j. | /lib |

____ 81. Acts like an extension of memory, so that UNIX has more room to run large programs.

____ 82. Houses kernel modules, security information, and the shared library images.

____ 83. Used to represent the location of your home directory.

____ 84. Takes a shorter journey.

____ 85. Is a special kind of file that can contains other files and directories.
Short Answer

86. Define the term portability.

87. Describe the purpose of the kernel.

88. What is the purpose of the whatis command?

89. Why would you partition your hard disk?

90. What is the purpose of the swap partition?

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