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Civil Rights Argument Essay

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Throughout history, the human body has been used as political statements. This idea has reoccurred an abundance of times since people could fight for what they wanted, although, it’s also happening in the current century. In 1955, during the Civil Rights Movement, an African-American passenger, named Rosa Parks, was riding the bus from an arduous day of work and decided to sit in the first couple of rows of the black section. Back then the bus spilt the seats into two sections: the front, which was reserved for white passengers and the back, which was where the black passengers were allowed to sit. However, when the white section filled up, African Americans were the ones who had to give up their seats. Inconveniently for Parks, the bus’ white section was filled and when she was asked to stand she refused; she was arrested. In this case her body was a political statement, because she stayed still …show more content…
In the industrial, battered city called Airstrip 1, propaganda is everywhere; in multicolored, flashy poster of Big Brother posted all over the soaring towers or the military films that play over and over on the telesecreens. Not just in posters or videos is propaganda seen. It’s also prominent in the two figures of an “unperson” and “Big Brother.” In this piece, an “unperson” is one who was vaporized from society for committing a thoughtcrime which is shown in this quote “Syme was not only dead, he was abolished, an unperson (Orwell 157). The nonexistence of Syme’s body is a political declaration saying how the government has so much control they can delete someone from society. However, the Big Brother is just a piece of fiction that the government made up to control their citizens. The illusion of the body of big brother is a political statement that represents how much propaganda the government uses on their

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