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Explain You Are In A Room With No Distractions

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You are in a room with no distractions. The door is locked, the walls are white. There is one chair on which you sit. On the table in front of you is a piece of paper. You know on the reverse side of the paper is written the date you will eventually die. You are in the room for one hour only and can never return to it. Tell if you would turn the paper over and read it and why/why not? I wouldn’t know to turn the paper over. I would say no, then change my mind to maybe. I have lots of different reasons on how I would make my decision.
The first thought I would have would be no. I say no because then I would always be focused on the day. I would be scared and tell myself only (numbers of days ) until I die. I would also spend a lot of time thinking about how I would die. I know that I wouldn’t get anything done because it would always be on my mind. I also would be very paranoid. I would react like it’s the end of the world. I probably wouldn’t go anywhere because I would be afraid of dying. I would go mentally crazy just thinking about the date. I would also spend all my time thinking about God and getting …show more content…
I would think to myself what if the date is close? or what if it's far? or even how will I react to the date. I would feel anxious and nervous because this would probably be one of the most important decisions of my life. I would probably begin to feel paranoid because what if the date was soon. I would also feel nervous because what if I don’t turn it over and I regret it all my life. To make the decision overall I would take my time. I would think about it over and over until I finally was able to come to a decision. I would also pray to God to help me make the right decision. Lastly I would ask myself,” What would (person) do? I would think about others and what would they do if they were in the same situation. I would probably be influenced by their decision and

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