Premium Essay

Civil War


Submitted By KGKjr
Words 639
Pages 3
Matt Kaiser
Period 5
Adv. US History

With out a doubt, one of the major causes of the Civil War was definitely SLAVERY! From 1820 to 1861, so many different events involved slavery to lead up to the Civil War. The Compromise of 1850, the Dred Scott Case, and Harper’s Ferry, Virginia was three of the biggest events that involved slavery and led to the Civil War. In the beginning, one of the first major events was the Compromise of 1850. The compromise admitted California as a free state and it also allowed popular sovereignty in Utah and New Mexico territories. The biggest thing that concerns slavery in this event was that it made the Fugitive Slave Act a lot stricter. The Fugitive Slave Act said, if a slave tried to run away into a free state, their owner could come and find them and take them back into custody because these slaves were know as property. Once the North heard about this act, they started the running underground railroads for the slaves to become free. Conductors of the Underground Railroad would give the slaves food and shelter along the way of their escape. One of the most famous conductors would have to be Harriet Tubman. She would risk her life by traveling to the south to free some of the slaves. These people that were helping the slaves escape were at big risk because if they were caught doing this then they would be imprisoned and given a heavy fine. This then led many trials and controversies about runaways. Next, one of the cases that caused the most controversy was the Dred Scott Case. Dred Scott was an enslaved man whose Missouri slaveholder had taken him to live in free territory before returning to Missouri. Scott got some help from abolitionists, and Scott sued to end his slaver, arguing that the time he spent in free territory meant he was free. On March 6, 1857, the Chief Justice Roger B. Taney ruled against

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