Premium Essay

Cloud Computing


Submitted By yahasiri
Words 3624
Pages 15
Contents Introduction 1 Management Information System 1 Cloud Computing 3 Defining Cloud Computing 3 Cloud Service Models 4 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 4 Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 4 Software -as-a-Service (SaaS) 5 Cloud Delivery Models 5 Public Cloud 5 Private Cloud 6 Hybrid Cloud 6 Challenges and Outstanding Issues 6 Loss of IT-control 7 Data Management 7 Privacy and Legal 7 Performance and QoS 8 Security 9 Conclusion 11

Introduction :

Information recognized as essential for human life , where it helps to make choices and decisions in every activity . Nowadays, organizations needs information to be able to achieve its goals and maintain for survive. In business , management requires to planning , directing , controlling , making decisions and solving problems in efficient and effective way . information systems helps managers to do these functions by providing timely , accurate and relevant information . for this reason organizations investing in information systems and technology in order to achieve the most important objectives for any business through improving businesses operations efficiency and productivity which leads to customer returning and purchasing more and gaining high profits. Also , it enables to create new products and services such as ; iTunes music service . in same context , it helps mangers to make decisions with real time information which is reflected on organization's performance. As a result , firms be able to take advantages of competition by providing new product and achieving customer satisfaction and maintaining its positon in market .

Management Information System :

In order to define management information systems , it should be to differentiate between information technology ( IT ) and information system ( IS ) . Information technology ( IT ) includes all hardware and

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Cloud Computing

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