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Collective Bargaining Agreement


Submitted By sugerbear0330
Words 732
Pages 3
6-2 Short Paper The compromise that our group came to was as follows:
A. The Employer agrees to an equitable distribution of overtime. Overtime will be assigned for accomplishment to those employees in an organizational unit where the overtime has become necessary and who would normally perform such work during a regular duty assignment. The distribution of overtime will be pursuant to a call list that will rotate three workers every two days who will have a choice to work or not. If the employee that is called for the specific day does not answer the phone and does not reply back within thirty minutes or does not wish to work, the next employee will be called on the list. Overtime is the sole responsibility of the organization supervisor. The Employer will not be restrained from giving consideration to matters of health and differences in individual productivity where supervision is either restricted or absent, special skills, requirements and continuity of work. The Employer will plan ahead when possible to let employees know when overtime is anticipated (e.g. due to storms that are forecasted).
B. The Employer agrees that unless it gives written notice, neither it nor any function will unilaterally take or permit action that will arbitrarily extend the normal workday without paying overtime or compensatory time, as applicable.
C. The Employer agrees to give first consideration to bargaining unit employees in the assignment of overtime before assigning such duties to non-unit employees. Such consideration will include health and safety factors, budget constraints, and employee qualifications.
D. The Employer agrees standby compensation is paid if an employee is required to remain available to an employer within a specified response time, but is otherwise free to engage in personal pursuits. The requirement to be available by cell phone, paging

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