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College Admissions Essay: Who Is My Hero?

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My hero is my parents due too the reasons on why I am here today. My parents has showed me too work harder than what I can actually work on. I have too stay committed to myself on the things I do. I have too manage myself on what I do and don’t do. I have too always deal with setbacks and also deal with success in life. They have showed me to be self believed about my self and sacrifice myself. I have to do the most simple things in life as well as I can. There is a physical part in life an there is a mental part in life. There always have to be a social behavior on the choices I do and the actions that I choose to do. I keep my vision out there too see what is wrong an what is right for my life in making good choices. I have too be self confident …show more content…
My parents are the reason why I am here today, they have raised me since I was a little kid an still raising me till this day. I choose to do the correct things in life too show my parents that they have raised a child that will not let them down in any way possible. Working, School, and soccer is hard on me, but I know I have confidence in myself and pushing my self through the hard times and the easy times. Life is not easy now a days. Without a high school diploma is hard too find a job. My parents always push me on school an other things and I am glad that they actually do that because they know the real world on how it is. I am a person who likes to show success in life an knowing that it isn’t easy out there in the real world. Working a part-time job and going too school and playing sports isn’t easy. I wonder how it will be once I am out on my own. Parents are the number one people too count on when having a hard time in life or having an easy time in life. My parents will always show me the correct choices in life. They will never show me what is wrong because they want the best for me an my future, they encourage me to do my best on whatever I choose to now and in the

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