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Color Purple Religion

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Mustafa Nagi English 1121 Research Papers

Prof. Margo Goldstein The Color Purple The film I will speak about today is “Color Purple” which was first adopted from a novel by Alice Walker in 1982. This film revolves around a native African American lady named Celie whose life was destined by oppression and mistreatment by her own father. This reminded me of my country Yemen sadly. Women in my country were always oppressed by men and had no rights. And this is one of the reasons I chose this film. The theme I will focus on today is religion and how the confusion of the Christianity belief took away her innocence at the age of fourteen …show more content…
Walker beliefs that god is exists in everything in her life. That shows when Celie starts her message as “Dear God…...Dear God” (Spielberg,1985). She beliefs that the god she knows has gave the people the happiness. Celie faces unbelievable life which no other kid has by her own father. She has weak hope and trust in God facing her life. In other hand the film has some change when it goes on. The Messages she got from Nettie gives Celie a new view of God different than what she knew. but, “Shug argued with the perceptions of the church towards God as she regards them as false and narrow-minded “(Richards, 2016). Her views are not normal, but “they serve as a wake-up call to her naivety”.
Celie has not sad feeling about the “reject the unconventional interpretation”, So she creates her own purpose in life. She refused to give up on her husband way of life and won against him. “The God presented to the audience in the film is not personified. The characters do not refer to God as male or female, white or black as it is the case with the western perception of God (Spielberg, 1985).”. from different view, the God could be anything around us and he has touch to our desires among our

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