Free Essay

Com107 Unit 10


Submitted By hershblakk
Words 372
Pages 2
We made it to the finish line. I am including my Unit 9 Assignment below.
I feel I tried to the most qualities to the assignment and discussion board I think it's strong for the most part. I mainly tried to stick to the focus of the audience and purpose. I'm using the writing process strategies to help me write more effective.

I enjoyed the seminar you all and wish you the best of luck. Thanks for helping me out with this paper!

My Paper:

Date: September 8, 2015
To: Office Associates
From: The Executive Committee
Subject: Associate Bonuses for 2007

Thank you for your contributions to the firm during the course of this past associate compensation year. As one means of expressing our appreciation for the effort that our associates put in this year, we are pleased once again to award bonuses to those of you who meet the firm’s expectations as to quality of performance and productivity.
For your information, associates in the office who recorded at least 2,000 billable hours and who met our minimum expectations as to quality received a full class level bonus consisting of both the regular bonus paid to office associates and a special bonus with respect to 2007 paid to associates in the office. The special bonus is consistent in amount with the special bonuses paid this year to associates by other major NY firms. Those associates who recorded less than 2,000 hours but more than 1,950 also received a bonus this year, consisting of portions of the regular and special bonuses described below.

We are providing to you with this memorandum a chart that shows the regular bonus and the special bonus for associates in your office who were with the firm for the entire compensation year, attained at least 2,000 billable hours, and met the firm’s minimum expectations as to the quality of performance.

Please contact Gerry White or your Practice Area Administrator if you have any questions about the approach we have taken to bonuses this year.

Lat, D. (2007). Associate Bonus Watch: A Pre-Holiday Round-Up. Retrieved from

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