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Communication Theory


Submitted By laahwhite
Words 794
Pages 4
Communication Theory
Amanda White
HCS 320
April 18, 2011
Cheryl Workman

Communication Theory
Communication is defined by Webster’s Third New International Dictionary Unabridged (2011) as the act or action of impairing or transmitting facts or information between persons or places through a common system of symbols. With this knowledge it can be said that communication is a two way process during which information is shared between senders and recipients. There are three important factors to communication with this definition. One, communication involves two or more senders and intended recipients. Two, those senders and recipients are normally human. Three, it is a process that is active, continuous, reciprocal, and dynamic. Any of these three factors could lead to a failure to communicate.
Gender plays a major role in how effective communication is. It is an inexperienced person who would assume that men and women communicate the same. Many times the communication dilemma comes from a lack of understanding. Women tend to add unnecessary details to a conversation that can confuse her male counterpart or even at times other females. An example of adding unnecessary details when communicating in the home is as follows. A wife was asked earlier in the day to have her husband help a neighbor with a project. When her husband returns home the wife begins to tell him that the neighbor needs help but she adds details about why she was outside, what the conversation with the neighbor was before the request, and the interruption by the children. By adding all of these details the husband misses the point of the conversation, which is that the neighbor needs his help. This could have been avoided if the wife had stated the neighbors request without the unnecessary information.
Age can also play a role in miscommunications. Children and adults do not comprehend

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