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Comparative Politics


Submitted By acetinkaya92
Words 704
Pages 3
POL 101
Politics: Comparative Introduction

State Role in Development

Hypothesis—Development covaries with state capability in complex, population-dense world.

Definitions of Key Terms state— territory, population, government, international capacity state capability—delivery of essential functions; providing physical security, efficient institutions to assure rule of law, competent administration development—diversified commons with overlapping, cross-cutting allegiances, interactive networks of communication, invention, production, distribution, innovation, regeneration, sanctioned by performance-linked status quality of life—pervasive literacy, discretionary leisure, opportunities for self-improvement and life-long education, various sets of friends and associates, choice of urban or country life, privacy, with adequate prosperity and technological sophistication to make it all work

● Republic of Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan’s development of immense mineral reserves and massive economic prospective (major foreign investments in oil sector) co-varies with its state capability of efficient administration, primarily from competent leaders, like President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

■ Republic of Latvia: Under the rule of successful and competent administration, Latvia has been able to restore economic growth in times of global hardship, co-varying with its efforts in establishing a status as a world educator in transferring that knowledge to member states.

► Republic of Maldives: The drawn-out Presidential election process, which has been interrupted by interventions from the Supreme Court and the police due to claims of electoral fraud, co-vary with the country’s attempt at stability and state capability in terms of democracy, through transparent and professional executions.

● Republic of Kazakhstan: The data tends to support the hypothesis. The President’s active and proactive developments have led the country to vastly develop its economic standing in the world.

■ Republic of Latvia: The data tends to support the hypothesis. Due to the country’s success, it has recently been elected to the Council of the International Bureau of Education to contribute to the formulation of the future education strategy, which is a driving force for a balanced development of society, environment and economy.

► Republic of Maldives: The date leaves the test of the hypothesis indeterminate. The corruption of officials in executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and the postponement of the elections pose significant questions to the legitimacy of the elections.

● Republic of Kazakhstan:

MacWilliam, Ian. “Kazakh-China Oil Pipeline Opens.” BBC News. December 15, 2005 (21 November 2013)

Demytrie, Rayhan. “Development Challenge of Kazakhstan's Giant Oilfield.” BBC News. December 7, 2012 (21 November 2013)

Bradsher, Keith. “Kazakhstan’s Bet on Rail.” The New York Times. November 20, 2013 (21 November 2013)

Lillis, Joanna. “Kazakhstan: Production at Supergiant Oil Field Delayed Until 2014.” Eurasianet. November 12, 2013 (21 November 2013)

■ Republic of Latvia:

“Latvia Gets Ecofin Nod to Become 18th Eurozone Member.” BBC News. July 9, 2013 (21 November 2013)

Kolyako, Nina. “OECD Aappreciates Latvia's Experience in Restoring Growth.” Balticcourse. November 13, 2013 (21 November 2013)

Petrova, Alla. “Latvia elected to Council of UNESCO International Bureau of Education.” Balticourse. November 20, 2013 (21 November 2013)

► Republic of Maldives:

“Maldives Election: Supreme Court Delays Run-off Vote.” BBC News. November 10, 2013 (21 November 2013)

“Maldives Election: Abdulla Yameen Wins Run-off Vote.” BBC News. November 16, 2013 (21 November 2013)

North, James. “Did the U.S. Undermine Democracy in the Maldives Because it Wants to Set Up Military Bases There.” Mondoweiss. November 20, 2013 (21 November 2013)

Burke, Jason. “Abdulla Yameen Wins Maldives Election.” TheGuardian. November 16, 2013 (21 November 2013)

Barry, Ellen. “Maldives Court Orders Another Delay After Presidential Vote Sets Up Runoff.” The New York Times. November 9, 2013 (21 November 2013)

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