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Concept Paper


Submitted By STPAYT01
Words 386
Pages 2
The day consumers bought their first computer users thought it was the most innovative thing since the invention of the car. Since computer technology has evolved, one has been given many mobility choices. The computers first usage was to create essays in grade school. The portable computer is the most sought after consumer electronic that has been created. Thesis: The desktop computer has paved the way for other technologies to thrive, but portable mobility device such as smart phones have changed the way consumers work and play for the better. Trend in computer industry could be the fact that we are getting away from the desktop to like Microsoft Surface. It's not just a "The New Age of Computer Mobility" it is the new age of computing (Du Plessis, 2010). “Consumers increasingly switch from computers, made for concentrated work desk use, to devices used spontaneously in parallel with the flow of daily events. Purchase intent is higher for tablets compared to desktop PCs, and for smartphones compared to laptops” (Ericsson). There are limitations to portable devices. We know that keyboards have to be a certain size to use them comfortably, right? How practical is it to use keyboards "heavily"? Are the keyboards workable for longer, more sustained tasks? Meaning, that you can type a term paper on a desktop, or a laptop. Is this a realistic option with a portable device? The portable computing has solved the problem of mobility. Portable devices have been around for some time now, in terms of time with technology development.
-They have made it better for consumers by being able to have mobility. Calendars on the go. Task list on the go.
-Can carry around in pocket.
-This is an improvement because you are not able to put the laptop in your pocket.
-In addition to planning your life, smartphones have the capability to make phone

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