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Concrete Research Paper

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1.The main objective of this study is to investigate the use of various supplementary materials for preparing concrete.

2.To compare …show more content…
Concrete is the composite mix of cement, aggregates, sand and water. Concrete gets hardened like stone on mixing water with cement and aggregates. Concrete have two type ingredients namely active and inactive. The active group consists of water and cement. The inactive part consists of sand and coarse aggregates. Concrete have high compressive strength and low tensile strength. To overcome this shortcoming, steel reinforcements are used along with the concrete. This type of concrete is called reinforced cement concrete …show more content…
FLY ASH CONCRETE: A TECHNICAL ANALYSIS FOR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Dr S L Pati11, J N Kale 2, S Suman3 Address for Correspondence 1Head, Applied Science Department, 2Sr. Lecturer, 3Lecturer, SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bambhori, Jalgaon, MS.

2. Performance of Using Waste Glass Powder In Concrete As Replacement Of Cement Gunalaan Vasudevan1, Seri Ganis Kanapathy pillay2 1Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Lecturer,Tunku Abdul Rahman University College ,Malaysia 2 Department Structural & Infra, Engineer JPTM Sdn.Bhd, Malaysia

3. Utilization of Demolished Concrete Waste for New Construction Asif Husain, and Majid Matouq Assas

4. USE OF RICE HUSK ASH AS PARTIAL REPLACEMENT FOR CEMENT IN CONCRETE OBILADE, I.O. Principal Lecturer., Department of Civil Engineering, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Nigeria

5. Use of Quarry Dust to Replace Sand in Concrete –An Experimental Study G.Balamurugan*, Dr.P.Perumal** * Associate Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Jayamatha

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