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Conflict Resolution


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GMAT Practice

GMAT Critical Reasoning Practice Questions
Question 1
In Los Angeles, a political candidate who buys saturation radio advertising will get maximum name recognition.
The statement above logically conveys which of the following?
A. Radio advertising is the most important factor in political campaigns in Los
B. Maximum name recognition in Los Angeles will help a candidate to win a higher percentage of votes cast in the city.
C. Saturation radio advertising reaches every demographically distinct sector of the voting population of Los Angeles.
D. For maximum name recognition a candidate need not spend on media channels other than radio advertising.
E. A candidate's record of achievement in the Los Angeles area will do little to affect his or her name recognition there.

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Question 2
The rate of violent crime in this state is up 30 percent from last year. The fault lies entirely in our court system: Recently our judges' sentences have been so lenient that criminals can now do almost anything without fear of a long prison term.
The argument above would be weakened if it were true that
A. 85 percent of the other states in the nation have lower crime rates than does this state.
B. White collar crime in this state has also increased by over 25 percent in the last year.
C. 35 percent of the police in this state have been laid off in the last year due to budget cuts.
D. Polls show that 65 percent of the population in this state opposes capital punishment. E. The state has hired 25 new judges in the last year to compensate for deaths and retirements.

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Question 3
3. The increase in the number of newspaper articles exposed as fabrications serves to bolster the contention that publishers are more interested in boosting circulation than in printing the truth. Even minor publications have staffs to check such obvious fraud. The argument above assumes that
A. Newspaper stories exposed as fabrications are a recent phenomenon.
B. Everything a newspaper prints must be factually verifiable.
C. Fact checking is more comprehensive for minor publications than for major ones. D. Only recently have newspapers admitted to publishing intentionally fraudulent stories. E. The publishers of newspapers are the people who decide what to print in their newspapers. Answers and Explanations
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Question 4
Time and again it has been shown that students who attend colleges with low faculty/student ratios get the most well-rounded education. As a result, when my children are ready to attend college, I'll be sure they attend a school with a very small student population.
Which of the following, if true, identifies the greatest flaw in the reasoning above?
A. A low faculty/student ratio is the effect of a well-rounded education, not its source. B. Intelligence should be considered the result of childhood environment, not advanced education.
C. A very small student population does not by itself, ensure a low faculty/student ratio.
D. Parental desires and preferences rarely determine a child's choice of a college or university.
E. Students must take advantage of the low faculty/student ratio by intentionally choosing small classes.

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Question 5
All German philosophers, except for Marx, are idealists.
From which of the following can the statement above be most properly inferred?
A. Except for Marx, if someone is an idealist philosopher, then he or she is
B. Marx is the only non-German philosopher who is an idealist.
C. If a German is an idealist, then he or she is a philosopher, as long as he or she is not Marx.
D. Marx is not an idealist German philosopher.
E. Aside from the philosopher Marx, if someone is a German philosopher, then he or she is an idealist.

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GMAT Data Sufficiency Practice Questions
Directions: In each of the problems, a question is followed by two statements containing certain data. You are to determine whether the data provided by the statements is sufficient to answer the question.

Answer choices
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Question 1
Does x = y?
(1) x2 - y2 = 0
(2) (x - y)2 = 0

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Question 2
If R is an integer, is R evenly divisible by 3?
(1) 2R is evenly divisible by 3
(2) 3R is evenly divisible by 3

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Question 3

If he did not stop along the way, what speed did Bill average on his 3-hour trip?
(1) He traveled a total of 120 miles.
(2) He traveled half the distance at 30 miles per hour, and half the distance at 60 miles per hour.
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Question 4

Is x + y positive?
(1) x - y is positive.
(2) y - x is negative.

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Question 5

A shopper bought a tie and a belt during a sale. Which item did he buy at the greater dollar value?
(1) He bought the tie at a 20 percent discount.
(2) He bought the belt at a 25 percent discount

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GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Questions
Answer the questions after reading through the passage. Base your answers on information that is either stated or implied in the passage.
The rich analyses of Fernand Braudel and his fellow Annales historians have made significant contributions to historical theory and research. In a departure from traditional historical approaches, the Annales historians assume (as do Marxists) that history cannot be limited to a simple recounting of conscious human actions, but must be understood in the context of forces that underlie human behavior. Braudel was the first Annales historian to gain widespread support for the idea that history should synthesize data from social sciences, especially economics, to provide a broader historical view of human societies over time (although Febvre and Bloch, founders of the Annales school, originated this approach).
Braudel conceived of history as the dynamic interaction of three temporalities. The first of these, the evenementielle, involved short-lived dramatic "events," such as battles, revolutions, and the actions of great men, which had preoccupied traditional historians like Carlyle. Conjonctures was Braudel's term for the larger, cyclical processes that might last up to half a century. The longue duree, a historical wave of great length, was for Braudel the most fascinating of the three temporalities. Here he focused on those aspects of everyday life that might remain relatively unchanged for centuries. What people ate, what they wore, their means and routes of travel—for
Braudel these things create "structures" that define the limits of potential social change for hundreds of years at a time.
Braudel's concept of the longue duree extended the perspective of historical space as well as time. Until the Annales school, historians had taken the juridicial political unit—the the nation-state, duchy, or whatever—as their starting point. Yet, when such enormous time spans are considered, geographical features may have more significance for human populations than national borders. In his doctoral thesis, a seminal work on the Mediterranean during the reign of Philip II, Braudel treated the

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geohistory of the entire region as a "structure" that exerted myriad influences on human lifeways since the first settlements on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
And so the reader is given such arcane information as the list of products that came to Spanish shores from North Africa, the seasonal routes followed by Mediterranean sheep and their shepherds, and the cities where the best ship timber could be bought. Braudel has been faulted for the imprecision of his approach. With his Rabelaisian delight in concrete detail, Braudel vastly extended the realm of relevant phenomena; but this very achievement made it difficult to delimit the boundaries of observation, a task necessary to beginning any social investigation. Further, Braudel and other
Annales historians minimize the differences among the social sciences. Nevertheless, the many similarly designed studies aimed at both professional and popular audiences indicate that Braudel asked significant questions which traditional historians had overlooked.

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Question 1
The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. show how Braudel's work changed the conception of Mediterranean life held by previous historians.
B. evaluate Braudel's criticisms of traditional and Marxist historiography
C. contrast the perspective of the longue duree with the actions of major historical figures
D. illustrate the relevance of Braudel's concepts to other social sciences
E. outline some of Braudel's influential conceptions and distinguish them from conventional approaches

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Question 2

The author refers to the work of Febvre and Bloch in order to

illustrate the limitations of the Annales tradition of historical investigation suggest the relevance of economics to historical investigation debate the need for combining various sociological approaches show that previous Annales historians anticipated Braudel's focus on economics E. demonstrate that historical studies provide broad structures necessary for economic analysis

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Question 3

According to the passage, all of the following are aspects of Braudel's approach to history EXCEPT that he
A. attempted to unify various social sciences
B. studied social and economic activities that occurred across national boundaries C. pointed out the link between increased economic activity and the rise of nationalism D. examined seemingly unexciting aspects of everyday life
E. visualized history as involving several different time frames

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Question 4

The passage suggests that, compared to traditional historians, Annales historians are

more interested in other social sciences than in history more critical of the achievements of famous historical figures more skeptical of the validity of most economic research more interested in the underlying context of human behavior provided by social structure
E. more inclined to be dogmatic in their approach to history

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Question 5

The author is critical of Braudel's perspective for which of the following reasons?
A. It seeks structures that underlie all forms of social activity.
B. It assumes a greater similarity among the social sciences than actually exists.
C. It fails to consider the relationship between short-term events and long-term social activity.
D. It clearly defines boundaries for social analysis.
E. It attributes too much significance to conscious human actions.

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GMAT Practice Questions – Answers and Explanations
Directions: Choose the best answer from the five answer choices.

Question 1
A family pays $800 per year for an insurance plan that pays 80 percent of the first
$1,000 in expenses and 100 percent of all medical expenses thereafter. In any given year, the total amount paid by the family will equal the amount paid by the plan when the family's medical expenses total.


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Question 2
Cheese, bologna, and peanut butter sandwiches were made for a picnic in a ratio of
5 to 7 to 8. If a total of 120 sandwiches were made, how many bologna sandwiches were made?


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Question 3
A sink contains exactly 12 liters of water. If water is drained from the sink until it holds exactly 6 liters of water less than the quantity drained away, how many liters of water were drained away?



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Question 4
Company C sells a line of 25 products with an average retail price of $1,200. If none of these products sells for less than $420, and exactly 10 of the products sell for less than $1,000, what is the greatest possible selling price of the most expensive product? A.


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Question 5
In a certain game, each player scores either 2 points or 5 points. If n players score 2 points and m players score 5 points, and the total number of points scored is 50, what is the least possible positive difference between n and m?


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GMAT Sentence Correction Practice Questions
Directions: The following questions consist of sentences that are either partly or entirely underlined.
Select the answer choice that represents the best revision of the underlined text. Choice A duplicates the original version. If the original seems better than any of the revisions, then select it.

Question 1
The concert this weekend promises to attract an even greater amount of people than attended the last one.

an even greater amount of people an ever larger amount of people an amount of people even greater a number of people even larger an even greater number of people

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Question 2
Records of the first 736 British convicts deported to Australia reveal convictions for crimes against property in all cases and they ranged from highway robbery to forgery. A.

convictions for crimes against property in all cases and they ranged convictions in all cases were crimes against property and ranging the ranging of convictions for crimes against property in all cases that all were convicted of crimes against property ranging that all of them had convictions for crimes that were against property; the range was

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Question 3
Scoliosis, a condition when the spine curves abnormally and throws the body out of line, can cause heart and lung problems as well as physical deformity.
A. a condition when the spine curves abnormally and throws the body out of line
B. an abnormal curvature of the spine that throws the body out of line
C. a condition of the spine curving abnormally and in which the body is thrown out of line
D. where the body is thrown out of line by an abnormal curvature of the spine
E. a condition of an abnormal curvature of the spine throwing the body out of line Answers and Explanations
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Question 4
Many of the thousands of students currently enrolled in night courses hope for the exchanging of their drab jobs for new careers that are challenging.

for the exchanging of their drab jobs for new careers that are challenging for exchanging drab jobs for new careers that will challenge them to exchange their drab jobs with new careers that will be new and challenging to exchange their drab jobs for new and challenging careers to exchanging their drab jobs and find careers that will be new and challenging. Answers and Explanations

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Question 5
The public's widespread belief in the existence of UFOs and their general curiosity about extraterrestrial life has generated considerable interest in science fiction.

UFOs and their general curiosity about extraterrestrial life has
UFOs and they are generally curious about extraterrestrial life which has
UFOs, as well as their general curiosity about extraterrestrial life, have
UFOs, as well as its general curiosity about extraterrestrial life, has
UFOs, as well as general curiosity about extraterrestrial life, have

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Conflict Resolution

...Conflict Resolution Conflict Resolution Conflict is something that can arise at any moment of the day whether it is at work or in personal life. Such situations must be handled and resolved in a correct manner because unresolved conflicts can cause an abundance of problems for fellow employees and employers. There are conflicts that should be addressed right when it occurs, but there are other inferences that should be left for a later time when tension is calm. Conflict resolution has to deal with two or more parties that have been having problems, where they have an intervention planned at alleviating or eliminating friction through conciliation. In my experiences, when there are positive leaders in an establishment, conflicts seem to get resolved faster and occur less often. Storybook #1: In the group’s opinion, there are different ways to handle a team member that is being vague with a situation. One way to deal with that particular team member is to pull them aside and say that, “I really appreciate the positivity, but if we are really striving to create a great product that the team can really stand behind, and one that will also attest to our particular importance, dedication, and value to the larger team/organizational picture, then we should try to be as pragmatic, honest, and realistic as possible in our assessments of the issues at hand.” Another way to deal with the team member is to attempt to be positive and understanding that the team member did not...

Words: 1033 - Pages: 5

Premium Essay

Conflict Resolution

...Running head: CONFLICT RESOLUTION Conflict Resolution XXXXXXX University of Phoenix Social Psychology 400 XXXXX February 11, 2015 Conflict Resolution According to Merriam-Webster, conflict is defined as “a difference that prevents agreement: disagreement between ideas, feelings, etc.” (“Conflict“, n.d., definition 3). At one point or another everyone will experience conflict, and for some people it is more common than for others. It is very common for people to have a difficult time trying to find a reasonable resolution to conflicts that people face. Developing a good conflict resolution strategy can be much easier if one understands how to really find a solution. What this means is that if a person has a strong understanding of the basic steps to conflict resolution he or she is likely to reach a solution to any type of problem rather than letting the problem lead to an increasingly bad situation or environment. However, most societies do not have a standard way of teaching adults or children about conflict and peacemaking in relevance to societal dissimilarities (Rossi, 2003). In his article Teaching about International conflict and Peacemaking at the Grassroots Level, John Allan Rossi (2003) points out that choosing to teach the nation’s youth based upon not only individual identity, but also social identities in international environments, can help produce a better understanding through societies as well as teach peacemaking skills based on a national identity...

Words: 1021 - Pages: 5

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Conflict Resolution

...Conflict Resolution For every employed individual amongst society the workplace is a breeding ground for conflict. However, there are individuals within the workplace that have developed certain methods to minimize conflict. Whatever method used; communication seems to be the common variable in any successful attempt of minimizing conflict. Joe Phelps, CEO of the Phelps Group has a unique method that has proven effective within his workplace. The Phelps Group has a no rules policy contingent upon the belief that they hire adults who don’t need a set of rules (“Conflict Resolution in the Workplace,” 2013). The no rules policy is an interesting approach to conflict resolution and peacekeeping in the workplace. One may think that this would only create chaos within the workplace, not peace. However, Phelps’ no rules policy is contingent upon directly approaching the individual whom conflict has arisen from and deal with the matter in an adult like manner. If the first method doesn’t resolve conflict the individual is to approach two other coworkers familiar with both in conflict to resolve the matter. If both methods have proven ineffective the last resort is to call in an outside party to the workplace to resolve the conflict. The reasoning behind this conflict resolution approach is to provide employees with a format for communication when conflict arises. The method is an interesting way to create respect and harmony within the workplace as it creates a formal setting for...

Words: 899 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Conflict Resolution

...Conflict Resolution Introduction Conflicts are a natural part of life and therefore a natural phenomenon in the education sector. In any school, there is the potential for conflict, because students may misunderstand one another, teachers may disagree on resource allocation, the administration may have issues with the staff parents may have some causes for complaint against the school or disagree on some of the school policies. The potential for conflict exists because people have different needs, views and values. But, when such conflicts are properly resolved, the atmosphere at school is more pleasant for everyone. Teachers can spend more time teaching and students can spend more time learning. Below is an analysis of the conflict resolution strategies which have been used to resolve conflicts in the education sector. Conflict Resolution Strategies in Schools 1. Mediation: This is a structured, goal oriented process that follows clear steps and resolves disputes confidentially. It helps disputing parties to assess their options realistically and reach mutually acceptable solutions. In mediation, an independent third party, the mediator, helps the parties involved in the conflict to talk with one another and to listen to one another’s grievances. Through this exchange of information, the parties gain insight into how the other is feeling about the situation, and they achieve understanding and respect. Mediation is a very effective conflict resolution strategy...

Words: 1078 - Pages: 5