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Congestion Pricing


Submitted By jgod382001
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Transportation Economic and Policy
Congestion Pricing
Professor 邱裕鈞

最早將瓶頸路段擁擠定價之問題提出來討論的開山鼻祖為Vickrey(1969),但該研究沉寂一段時間後,於西元1986年再度受到交通經濟學者之重視,刊登於知名國際期刊之相關文獻紛紛出籠:如De Palma and Arnott (1986), Cohen (1987), Newell (1987), Braid (1989), Arnott, et al. (1990a, 1990b, 1993), Tabuchi (1993), Laih (1994), Chen and Bernstein (1995), Yang (1997, 1998)等。其中在探討單一瓶頸路段之擁擠定價架構方面,最具代表性之著作乃為 Braid (1989), ARNOTT, et al. (1990a)及Laih (1994)。前二者不約而同地推導出玲等候最佳收費已完全消除通勤者在瓶頸路口前之總排隊等候時間。零等候最佳收費乃是隨著通勤者到達收費入口之時間不同而收取不同之等候費。又因該等候收費結構乃為連續變化之收費金額,實務上之可行性不高。有鑑於此,Laih 於1994年發展出一套階梯式等候收費結構作為零等候最佳收費之替代方案。
1. R Arnott, A De Palma, R Lindsey, “Economics of a bottleneck”, Journal of urban economics 27 (1), 111-130
2. Laih, C-H, 2004, “Effects of the Optimal Step Toll Scheme on Equilibrium Commuter Behavior”, Applied Economics, Vol.36, No.1, 59-81. (SSCI)
3. 賴禎秀、吳志仁,2002,高速公路實施匝道電子收費下最佳費率與經濟效益評估之研究,運輸計劃季刊,三十一卷,第一期,頁 37-58。 (TSSCI)
4. 賴禎秀、楊培俊、曾俊琳、白俊英,2003,開車通勤者時間價值之模式研究,運輸計劃季刊,三十二卷,第三期,頁 479-492。 (TSSCI)
5. 賴禎秀,2001, 階梯式擁擠收費體制下最佳階段數之研究,運輸計劃季刊,三十卷,第二期,頁 253-274。 (TSSCI)
提早 (式7-1)
準時 (式7-2)
延遲 (式7-3) 透過(式7-1)與(式7-3),將可能夠達成準時抵達的時刻設為,提早抵達的時間長度設為,以及延遲抵達的時間長度設為。則(式7-1)、(式7-2)與(式7-3)可改寫如下: 提早 (式7-4) 準時 (式7-5)
延遲 (式7-6)
, (式7-7) 在此將(式7-4)、(式7-5)及(式7-6)帶入(式7-7),可表示如下: , (式7-8) , (式7-9) , (式7-10) (式7-8)、(式7-10)及(式7-9)分別代表提早、準時及延遲三種不同型態之成本。由於根據H2,故每輛車在內之成本皆相同時方能達成均衡,在此之均衡條件為。 如此,(式7-8)與(式7-10)達成均衡的條件如下: , (式7-11) , (式7-12)

八、時間成本與價值探討 1. 遲到模式:在處於上班遲到的情況下,開車通勤者會因休閒時間、工作時間、淨收入(net income)、遲到時間以及瓶頸路口前等候時間等因素,產生對其整體效用的增減,故本研究之目標效用函數(U)的形式如下所示:
Max U=U(Te ,Tw, I,TL, To)
I:淨收入(net income)
時間限制: T=T+(TQ-T)+T
所得限制: I = wTw– Ω wTL –εTQ – φ
ε:通勤車輛每單位排隊等候時間之行車成 如燃油消耗、運具折損、維修保養與保險等。 φ:所有休閒時間之消費金額。 在遲到模式中,我們假設遲到之懲罰金額即為通勤者因遲到而減少正常工作時間之懲罰,然而此一懲罰變數依各公司規定之不同視各公司情況而定,一般而言可分為有形與無形兩種情況,有形之規定較為明確且可加以量化,如依遲到之時間多寡扣除部分比率之所得以明訂懲罰標準;而無形之情況較難加以量化,且遲到之懲罰效果不會立即呈現出來,但並不表示其不存在,公司或許會以另一種方式加以懲罰,如升遷管道受阻或考績評比不佳等方式,不論以何種方式皆是為了達到懲罰遲到通勤者之目的。 2.早到模式:在處於提早到達工作場所的情況下,開車通勤者經由休閒時間、工作時間、淨收入、早到時間以及等候時間等因素,產生對其整體效用的增減。因此本文之目標效用函數(U)的形式如下所示:
Max U=U(Tρ,TW, I,TE, To)
時間限制: T=Tρ+TQ+TE + T
所得限制 I= wТw-εTо-φ

早到工作場所之通勤者,其並不會因早到時段之長短而對其淨所得產生增減之效果,因為在一般現實生活中通勤者對早到時間之利用不外乎看報、喝茶、聊天等此類休閒行為,對於通勤者之所得不會產生影響, 故在此並不考慮早到時間此一懲罰變數。
, , (式8-1)

(2)準時開始服務: , , (式8-2)
, , (式8-3) 根據上述結果,可得到(圖8-1)之零等候最佳收費結構圖。藉此可得知,零等候最佳收費之模式,是透過不斷變動收費金額,以消散排隊之情形

圖8-1 零等候最佳收費
圖8-1 零等候最佳收費

九、階梯式收費模型 其設計原理乃是在無擁擠最佳收費之三角形內截取一個或數個不同時段來收取單一或階段式之擁擠收費。因爲該擁擠收費結構是內接於無擁擠最佳收費三角形中之矩形或多邊形(由多個內接矩形往上堆積而成),故在單階段或多階段之收費方式中皆可產生最多之擁擠費收入(即最大之矩形或多邊形面積)與其他可能之擁擠費收入組合(即其他可能之矩形或多邊形面積組合),以彈性地減少瓶頸入口前車輛排隊擁擠的時間。又因為最佳單階段等候收費結構最多僅能消除等候收費前全體通勤者等候時間之50%,故有需要發展兩階段以及兩階段以上之階梯式等候收費結構,以補強單階段等候收費方式在等候減少效果上之不足。從最佳單階段、兩階段等的收費結構特徵與等候減少效果,以預測最佳n階段等候收費之結構特徵與等候減少效果。最佳n階段等候收費結構之n個收費金額必將均衡通勤成本(或最高之齡等候最佳收費)等分成(n+1)等分;各階段之收費時間長度接等於瓶頸入口前車輛排隊等候起訖時間長度之1/(n+1);最佳n階段等候收費結構可達到消除等候收費前全體通勤者總排隊等候時間之n/(n+1)之效果。


為了求出單階段費率p,以及其收費開始(t+)、結束(t-)時刻,吾人可繪出下列三個圖形:即圖2、圖3以及圖4,以方便列出相關等式來求解。由於替代路徑並沒有排隊擁擠現象發生,吾人將根據兩條道路特徵的不同,探討對通勤者使用不同路徑下之通勤時間。由於高速公路瓶頸路段之車流量等於設計容量之故,所以車輛在該路段始終以某一速度行進,故車輛之行駛時間為一定值。而在匣道A處(即瓶頸入口前) 排隊擁擠車輛則以停等之方式行進,所以車輛在匣道A處之排隊擁擠時間會隨著延滯車輛之增減呈現近線性方式之穩定增減(如圖2)。然而替代路徑則因車流量小於設計容量之關係,本身並無排隊擁擠現象發生,其車輛的增加,會使行駛速度呈現較劇烈之變化,相對地在固定距離下行駛時間必定也呈現劇烈變化,故以非線性方式來表示(如 3)。依據圖2、圖3以及圖4,吾人可列出(4)-(12)等九個等式,等式中符號眾多, 讀者可參考附錄1以便快速尋找出其定義。

(4).(5) 表示擁擠費率
(6) 表是通勤者於t+時出發,經閘道A進入高速公路抵達工作場所知早到時間成本。
(7) 表是通勤者於t-時出發,經閘道A進入高速公路抵達工作場所支持到時間成本。
(8) 表示t#~t##時段內行駛替代道路之車輛數。
(9) 收費後於t"~t-時段內行駛高速公路或於t"~t"時段內行駛替代道路之 每一位通勤者的均衡通勤成本。
(10) 表示實施擁擠收費後,於收費時段內有付費通行之通勤者人數。
(11 )式為實施擁擠收費後因部分通勤者改行替代道路導致高速公路匣道A上所減 少之排隊擁擠時間成本。
(12) 式中,等號左邊表示政府或相關單位對於擁擠收費前之總排隊擁擠時間成本所欲消除的百分比(1/"E" ),(12)式等號右邊代表擁擠收費後所消除的排隊時間成本,而該成本除了包含 擁擠收費之收入(ρ,Ω)外,尚包括因部分通勤者改走替代路徑而形成匣道A處排隊擁 擠時間成本之減少(ψ)。 本文將利用Mathematica數學軟體解(4)至(12)之聯立方程式後,計算出單階 段擁擠費率ρ值,以及擁擠收費開始(t-)和結束(t+)時刻之值,至於多階段之擁擠費率,則可依循本節求解單階段之步驟求得。 數值列:表1中給定總排隊擁擠時間成本消除百分比為67%,68%,65%,60%之前提下,求得之費率(ρ)若愈低,則進入高速公路之車輛(Ω)將愈多。其中最佳解(68%)乃是發生於費率(p)為NT$54,且進入高速公路之車輛(Ω)為2720輛之情況。表1中由上而下 之四個例子中所減少之總排隊擁擠時間成本(=ρxΩ+ψ)分別為 NT$288766; NTS291615;NT$239385;NT$259869,故可知在最佳解之情況下,總排隊擁擠時間成本之減少是最多的。

有無平行替代路徑假設下之擁擠費率比較:若不存在替代道路之前提下,則將會出現不同於表1之費率結構,此處列出表2以資比較。表1可獲知最佳的擁擠費率結構。但若不存在替代路徑之前提下,則將會出現不同於表1之費率結構,此處列出表2以資比較。表2中之是代表實施最佳單階段擁擠收費後之總排隊擁擠時間成本消除百分比,從表2可知存在替代路徑前提下之排隊擁擠減少效果(68%)明顯優於不存在替代路徑 前提下之排隊擁擠減少效果(50%)。

十一、限制探討與未來發展 在本文前段所歸納個一些假說,均對於擁擠定價此議題上有所受限。H1:總成本不變,其因以通勤者行為之觀點而看,因而對於交通道路、環境評估無法給予政府或相關部門較好之建議。H3,其他時間成本不計入模型,然而扣除擁擠的排隊等候時間,其他真正的通勤時間對於通勤者而言占比將當大,且變異數也非常大,因此難以精準評估。此外,此系列之相關文獻,在通勤者時間價值的探討與成本的考量上都屬於列舉法,一一列舉可能產生之成本再納入計算,然而每個通勤者之所感知的延滯成本將有相當大的差異,例如,同樣遲到20分鐘抵達公司,但不同的人而言,其所面臨的延遲成本都將有所不同,因此若是以此成本作為後續模型推導之基礎,將不能有效精準評估。 對於未來之研究建議,若是未來相關文獻,可利用”道路擁擠時間長度”為基礎進行模型推導,因為每個人在某一瓶頸路口所排隊等候之時間的變異數會小於通勤者延滯成本之變異數,進而可改善模型,使其達成較精準且具有彈性之模型。

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...afford to purchase a private car. Consequently, a challenge of excess cars on roads ensues. In virtually all cities, traffic congestion occurs every single day at the peak time. However, it is generally believed that this problem can be managed through governmental policies as well as individual behavior. The following essay will firstly outline three viable solutions, namely developments from taxes and road infrastructure, improvements in public transport services, and a decrease in the use of private automobiles, to solve the impact of traffic jams in most cities. It, furthermore, will discuss the pros and cons of each countermeasure. Finally, the evaluation of every method will be demonstrated. To begin with governmental policies, one possible method of reducing traffic congestion is to raise road pricing and to expand road infrastructure. Castle (1967) notes that charging fees on the main road at the rush hours can cut down a number of automobiles effectively because people do not want to spend extra money. Additionally, according to ideas of road pricing (Castle 1967) and park restrictions (Knoflacher 2006), it is believed that as long as governments impose road or parking fees, the usage of roads at the peak time can be reduced in metropolis, such as Singapore as well as London, and further authorities are able to spend the taxes from road pricing and parking fees on broadening highways, building roads and adding high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. By doing this, not only...

Words: 1314 - Pages: 6

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Unit 2: Research Paper 1

...parking space. Tolls for single use carpool lanes will also benefit in decreasing traffic. The carpool lane is mostly always free of traffic during rush hours which is good for carpoolers, but also counter intuitive. The carpool lane turns into a wasted lane if people are not taking advantage of carpooling. Sensors can be placed in cars to automatically charge the fare for using carpool lanes during rush hours (Bullock, 2011). Commuters will pay for the device and conveniently register on an online website that monitors the use of the charges. In addition to tolls utilized for carpool lanes, they can also be used for high traffic during peak times. The same sensor devices used for carpool lanes can be used for computer monitoring for congestion pricing, also...

Words: 373 - Pages: 2

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...Traffic congestion is a growing problem in many metropolitan areas. Congestion increases travel time, air pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel because cannot run efficiently. London’s traffic at the turn of the millennium may have been far worse than that of the average metropolis. When driving in London’s downtown area, drivers spend around half their time waiting in traffic, incurring 2.3 minutes of delay every kilometer they traveled. Traffic congestion is a growing problem in many metropolitan areas. People waste a lot of time in traffic jams every day. Big cities are never good, and London’s downtown area’s traffic is to say unbelievable. Congestion increases travel time, air pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel because cannot run efficiently. London’s traffic at the turn of the millennium may have been far worse than that of the average metropolis. When driving in London’s downtown area, drivers spend around half their time waiting in traffic, incurring 2.3 minutes of delay every kilometer they traveled. In the case we are studying the government decided to use the information technology to help the city control the traffic jam situation. The government decided to use 699 cameras at 203 sites in the 8 square miles in the city. To do this would be a challenging project because the project has a very limited time and there is no other successful case to follow.   A political risk is really high and a new transit authority working under a new...

Words: 306 - Pages: 2

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Traffic Jams: Osborn’s 73 Idea Spurring Questions Paper

...Brief Description of the Problem Traffic jams are common occurrences for many individuals who to commute to work using their motor vehicles. According to Hartman (n.d.), “the roadways leading into and out of most major cities can become gridlocked due to an accident, road construction or simply a high number of cars on the road. Traffic congestion can have a number of effects on drivers, the environment, health and the economy” (para. 1). The problems associated with traffic jams can be handled using many different decision making processes. However within this paper, I will use Osborn’s 73 idea spurring question process to create an idea checklist of questions that I will ask and answer as a means determining a solution to traffic jams from a new perspective. Osborn’s 73 Idea Spurring Questions Marakas (2003) proposed that Osborn’s model presents nine basic ideas: put to other uses, adapt, modify, magnify, minify, substitute, rearrange, reverse, and combine. 1. What are some new ways to utilize time spent in traffic jams? There are a lot of professional students at all levels, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral. Many students can take advantage of this time stuck in traffic to catch up on homework since most schools rely on Internet as a mode of delivery. 2. How have people learned to adapt with traffic jams in their everyday lives? Many people realize that traffic jams are inevitable. Therefore, many people attempt to leave out as a means of beating the traffic...

Words: 526 - Pages: 3

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Dealing with Traffic Jams in London

...Dealing With Traffic Jams in London Michael M. Reynolds Grantham University Abstract Traffic congestion is a growing problem in many metropolitan areas. Congestion increases travel time, air pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel because cannot run efficiently. London’s traffic at the turn of the millennium may have been far worse than that of the average metropolis. When driving in London’s downtown area, drivers spend around half their time waiting in traffic, incurring 2.3 minutes of delay every kilometer they traveled. Traffic congestion is a growing problem in many metropolitan areas. People waste a lot of time in traffic jams every day. Big cities are never good, and London’s downtown area’s traffic is to say unbelievable. Congestion increases travel time, air pollution, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and fuel because cannot run efficiently. London’s traffic at the turn of the millennium may have been far worse than that of the average metropolis. When driving in London’s downtown area, drivers spend around half their time waiting in traffic, incurring 2.3 minutes of delay every kilometer they traveled. In the case we are studying the government decided to use the information technology to help the city control the traffic jam situation. The government decided to use 699 cameras at 203 sites in the 8 square miles in the city. To do this would be a challenging project because the project has a very limited time and there is no other successful case...

Words: 469 - Pages: 2

Premium Essay

Traffic Congestion Levels Are Rising in Major Cities Around the World.

...medical risks. The second part will offer several feasible solutions to the traffic congestion issue, which are carpooling, establishing an intelligent traffic control system and raise taxes. In the first place, it can be argued that a series of problems can be incurred by high traffic congestion levels. To begin with, traffic jams, arguably, will give rise to increased travel time. Taking China for example, Yang et al. (2011) indicated that traffic congestion, in China, was a serious “urban illness” problem, which had resulted in delays in travel time. Accordingly, the economic efficiency of the whole city is understood to be affected to some extent. Secondly, traffic congestion is responsible for bringing about a large number of economic losses for individuals as well as the waste of oil resources. Generally speaking, the continuous stop and start driving in traffic jams will burn more fuel than smooth driving on an open highway. As a result, extra money will be spent on fuels. Just as Du and Zheng (2012) pointed out that traffic jams could result in tremendous economic losses and waste of fuel resources. In addition, another issue is that high traffic congestion levels may cause significant medical risks. Encountering traffic jams will probably be a severe problem during transferring or picking up a patient to an emergency medical procedure. Carnall (1996) argued that traffic congestion, around the hospital sites, would delay...

Words: 610 - Pages: 3