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Consumer Report: Prior Suicide

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The writer met with a 43 y/o AAM brought to St John Main by DPD. The consumer report that he called the police to take him to the hospital due to suicidal ideation with a plan to hang himself. The consumer report depression, anxiety, auditory hallucination, suicidal ideation with a plan to hang himself, blame other for problems, limited insight into the need for treatment. The writer observe depressed mood, flat affect, lack of motivation and delay speech during his assessment. The writer ask the consumer about prior suicide attempts. The consumer reported five prior suicide attempts cutting wrist and would not provide information regarding other prior suicide attempts methods. The consumer report stressor is life situation is the cause

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...Ethics: Behavior, Sustainability and Social Responsibility 2 August 2013 Abstract Though there are business leaders and philosophers that object to the belief or need of exhausting time, money or resources for the welfare of its people, be it consumers or employees, data indicates that those who do recognize their noblesse oblige will prosper (BP, pg 149). Practicing ethical business operations has been a talked about subject since the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Whether it is sustainability or social responsibility, approaches to business ethics have yet to be standardized. At the peak of today’s ethical environmental dilemmas stands Monsanto, the organization that prides itself on the ability to create sustainable agriculture. There are also scandals with regard to scrupulous or fraudulent investors, such as Bernard Madoff, who prosper at the expense of trusting individuals. Lending institutions have also taken advantage of the financially ill-informed consumers who have lost their homes and in some cases their families and lives as a result of subprime lending practices (cite). Toyota, who was once known as one of the world’s fastest growing auto makers (cite) deliberately ignored the safety of its consumers in effort to continue maximizing its profits. Organizations lacking business morals must understand that responsibility does not rest on one source, but rather it should be a collaborative effort between the companies, governments, and individuals...

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