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Contemporary Issues in Reward Management


Submitted By turllo
Words 2187
Pages 9
Contemporary issues in Reward management
James Turley
The organisation in question here is in the process of having a job evaluation done in different divisions of the company to make sure that there is a fair pay structure in place to act as a defence against equal value claims being made. The company is using the point factor system as a method of job evaluation where points are assigned to factors of the job in order of importance. There are different issues that arise from using this system however. It is a time consuming and complex process. The correct data is needed and the personnel manager has rushed the process of gathering data. The evaluation will be inaccurate if the data gathered is not correct. Data relevant to two years ago is being used for the job descriptions. The job role may have changed dramatically in that space of time. The personnel manager in the company has evaluated the jobs of people who he “knows quite well”. The evaluation may become personal in this instance with the personnel manager giving pay and job advantages to the people he has preference to. He may also make assumptions and be judgemental instead of using actual facts. The job evaluation handbook By Michael Armstrong, Angela Baron, chapter 5
Job evaluations:
A job evaluation is the; “Systematic method of determining the relative worth of jobs in an organization. Job evaluation is important when an organization seeks to establish relative pay levels for job classifications based upon an

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