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Conversion Testimony Paper


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Conversion Testimony Paper

Submitted to Professor David A. Wheeler in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of

Contemporary Evangelism
EVAN 525 – B02


James D. Dynarski
January 17th 2015

Conversion Testimony Instructions

Part One – “I have not always been a Christian.” I have not always been a follower of Christ Jesus; my life before Christ was a dark and angry time for me. After my mother died suddenly in 1994 at the age of forty years old, I turned to the use of illicit drugs, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, and both mental and physical sexual perversion to numb the pain of my loss, in the process falling deeper and deeper into depression. I started to hang out with a crowd that introduced me to Wicca (witchcraft). I tried to believe it filled a void in my heart and life that I had felt I lost when my mother passed away. A Christian co-worker tried her best to witness to me and I scoffed at her simple belief of true forgiveness through Christ Jesus. I left her in tears that night as I told her if there is a God and a Hell, I am not good enough for Him and I deserve the Hell she was telling me about. Her straight and narrow path seemed dim and boring compared to my wide open road of self-indulgence.

Part Two – “I realized I needed Jesus and received Him into my life when…” I realized I needed Jesus and received Him into my life after I had been talking to another Christian co-work about the lack of direction or purpose in my life. She gave me the book and asked me to read a chapter a day with her and we would discuss it the next day at work. The book she handed me was Pastor Rick Warren’s “A Purpose Driven Life” After reading it I realized how foolish and defiant I was behaving. Soon after, while walking the streets of my quiet neighborhood on the way home for the local town pub after a night of my weekly binge drinking, I whole heartedly handed my broken life over to Jesus! I felt a huge burden lifted and became excited to start my new life in Christ Jesus! It started slowly, just attending Sunday morning services. Little by little I learned more about God and His will for my life. I began attending Sunday school and Sunday evening service. I was hungry to learn and soak up all I could. I volunteered to help with the Children’s Ministries and even found myself looking forward to mid-week Prayer Meeting.

Part Three – “The biggest change I have noticed in my life is...” The biggest change I have noticed in my life is since acknowledging Christ Jesus in to my life is that I no longer have the desire to slowly kill myself in the downward spiral that was my life. The emptiness that I had been trying to fill with drugs, alcohol, and women had finally been filled with something better, Christ Jesus. It was that His that conquered my depression. It was His love that pulled me out of the degenerate lifestyle I was leading. If it was not for Christ Jesus, I would more than likely have been dead already…

Part Four – “May I share how something like this can happen to you?”

Conversion Testimony Grading Rubric
|Elements |Criteria |Excellent: |
| | |Satisfies criteria w/ excellent work |

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