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Ctl Sitxcom401 Oct 2015 10


Submitted By broadford
Words 2676
Pages 11
Assessment Tool - Combined
Hospitality Department
Off-campus training

Qualification code & title SIT30112 – Certificate III in Travel and Tourism
SIT30612 – Certificate III in Events
SIT30713 – Certificate III in Hospitality
SIT31212 – Certificate III in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40212 - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
SIT40812 - Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40313 – Certificate IV in Hospitality
SIT50112 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT50212 – Diploma of Events
SIT50313 – Diploma of Hospitality
SIT60112 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT60212 – Advanced Diploma of Events
SIT60313 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
Unit code/s & title/s SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
Learner name and ID
Assessor name
Task Method Due date Weighting 
(if relevant)
1 Written Questions
2 Observation Report
3 Portfolio of Evidence

Note: If you are completing a Certificate IV or higher, your assessment might be graded. Please refer to the Course Handbook for Learners for information about Graded Assessment.
Assessment Task 1-3


© Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE 2014
Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE. Provider No: 3094

Author: Hospitality Department

This work is subject to copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 and its amendments, no part may be reproduced without prior permission. Requests and enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be directed to:

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Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE
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Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE has made all reasonable attempts to locate owners of third party copyright materials and invites anyone from whom permission has not been sought to contact the Manager, Information Access, Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE, 152-200 Fryers St, Shepparton Vic, 3630

Document: Assessment tool
Issued: 30/06/2015
File name: BSBWRT401A CTL_SITXCOM401_OCT_2015_10.pages
Version: 2.0

Assessment information

Instructions to the learner
There are three parts to this assessment. Read the details of all parts before you begin.
Take note of the due dates for each part or record it as you are informed.
Type your answers to Assessment Part 1 – Activity Questions in Catapult online
Assessment Part 2 – Project is to be completed and uploaded onto Moodle
Assessment Part 3 – Observation Report will be conducted by your trainer at the date as indicated on your timetable, or by a relevant third party if applicable If there is a case for Reasonable Adjustment, the questions can be completed orally (in person or by phone) or as a guided discussion. Discuss this with your trainer/assessor. Discuss anything that you don’t understand with your trainer.

Time Allocated: 7 hours

Assessment cover sheet
If you are submitting a written assessment or project, you will need to complete and attach an Assessment Cover Sheet [FLA24].
When submitting your work online in Moodle, please ensure that you click on the check box, then there is no need to submit an Assessment Cover Sheet
Copying others’ work is cheating. If your work shows signs of cheating, you will be given a first and final warning, and asked to resubmit your work using your own words. Work that is not properly acknowledged is considered to be plagiarised, so make sure you understand and use the appropriate referencing conventions (refer to your Course Handbook for Learners for information about referencing).
Further cases of plagiarism will be given an NC result.
Please refer to your Course Handbook for Learners for information about: assessment attempts graded assessment reasonable adjustment referencing special consideration.

Assessment Part 1 – Written Questions
Task Description
There are 7 questions to complete.
You are to answer ALL questions as instructed below.
Responses need to be at least one or two sentences in length, fully explaining what is asked in your own words.
On completion, submit to your assessor.
If 100% competency is not achieved, you and your trainer will have a discussion to ensure that you have the require knowledge of these questions

Question One - Identify and describe the two main types of conflict that arise in the workplace.
The two main type’s of work place conflict are the following;
Personality difference’s/clashes: Are when two (or more) people find themselves in conflict not over a particular issue or incident, but due to a fundamental incompatibility in their personalities, their approaches to things or their style of life.
Personality differences/clashes can lead into conflict of idea’s and vice versa.
Conflict of idea’s: Is when two (or more) people find themselves in disagreement with other staff members over different ideas based around the work place, may it be on how to do certain tasks, how to tackle a certain issue or problem or how a task or idea should be completed. This can lead to a falling out between the staff or can make an better idea or method to be developed.
Question Two – Why is it important to resolve conflict in the workplace?
It is important to fix/resolve conflict straight away so it does not affect the workplace/business in a negative way which will cause a downturn in staff productivity and have a increase in absenteeism.
Question Three - What steps should be taken to resolve a conflict?
The following steps should to be taken to help resolve the conflict within the workplace, but the amount of staff involved will help determine the setting of how the conflict will be resolved. If it’s between a certain staff members then it should be done in a private setting with only those directly involved present but if on a wide scale then it should be done in a public/group setting; The steps the be taken are as followers;
Discuss the situation in a respectful manner
Be specific
Discuss how a conflict (or problem) impacts you, the workplace , or the task at hand.
Ask for the specific cause of the conflict
Ask for the solution
Agree on the action to be taken

Question Four – Why should conflicts and their outcomes be documented and reported on? What should be done do with the data collected?
Data should be collected when a conflict arises with the outcome also stated the reason why this should be done is for any necessary legal compliance or just simply because it is established within the companies business policy/s, plus if the conflict worsens there is documentary evidence of attempts to resolve the conflict. The documentation should be stored the employee's staff file, it would also be wise for you to keep a copy of the documentation yourself.

Question Five – Describe the advantages of working in a team and how that can assist in resolving conflict.
When working in a team/ team environment it can help create stronger working relationship between staff, healthy competition is a good way to put it. With that it will help staff members grow/develop into better works and team workers, hence it will help create a better standard of food/work through out the builder so help build a more positive work place for everyone. This can help resolve conflict by staff being more open with one another help stopping tempers grow on any issue and be spoken about openly, will help staff speak more freely to help create ideas so there is never just or two ideas which can cause heads butting. Staff will be aiming for that one goal of a successful service period and will stop sabotage between front/back of house who may try to get the other team into trouble by management.

Quesiton Six - Why do employees need to understand legislative requirements and organizational policies and procedures?
Employees need to understand the legislative requirements and the organizational policies and procedures so that they know what is expected of them in the workplace in a legal sense and on a business standard level. This is to help stop any anti social behavior in the work place such as bullying, staff will also know how to deal with any issues that arise and how those issues will be dealt.

Question Seven - What action should be taken to determine whether a customer or a colleague is satisfied with a complaint resolution?
There is a few ways to determine if a customer or colleague is satisfied with the the complaint resolution;
Asking the manager (if one attened) the sitution to ask of the outcome, Call the other party/s involved at a later date to confirm everything is okay, Follow up in person if everything is okay, the body langauge and tone used at the time, signed documentation. Ensuring you have shown the other party you care and have listened to whta has been spoken and lastly just ask for clarification of the event.

Assessment Task 2 – Observation Report
Task Description
You will be observed in your skills of this unit by your trainer within your workplace
You will be observed in your skills of this unit in your ability to do the following tasks either within your workplace or a simulated environment by your trainer

Candidate name:
Name of third party: Contact no.
Relationship with candidate: employer supervisor colleague other
Please specify ________________________________________________
Please do not complete the form if you are a relative, close friend or have a conflict of interest]
Dates the candidate worked with you From: To:
Unit[s] of competency: SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
The candidate is being assessed against the hospitality industry competency standards. We are seeking your support in the judgement of this candidate’s competence. Please answer these questions honestly as a record of the candidate’s performance while working with you. Thank you for your time.
Comments regarding candidate performance and experience
I can verify the candidate’s ability to: 
(tick the correct response] Yes No Not sure Comments to support my responses:
Identify conflict & take action to avoid
Identify situations where people may be threatened
Manage conflict
Deal with conflict sensitively
Minimise impact on others
Encourage and acknowledge all points of view
Evaluate the impact on the business reputation and legal responsibility Implement and document the best solution
Communicate with all parties
Evaluate and reflect on the situation and solution
Resolve different workplace conflicts using a range of techniques
Demonstrate knowledge of common work place situations and stage of conflict
Critical thinking to decide upon the best resolution
Literacy skills
Initiative and enterprise skills
Problem solving skills
Self-management skills
Teamwork skills
Third party signature: Date:
Send to:

Assessment Task3 – Portfolio of evidence
Task Description
You are required to provide additional evidence that highlights the skills, knowledge and competency that you already possess in this unit.
You must include the following documents.
Induction manual with conflict procedure
Supporting evidence of reducing how your organisation ensures personal safety of customers/colleagues

Assessment task feedback to learner – Task 1 of 3
Qualification code & title SIT30112 – Certificate III in Travel and Tourism
SIT30612 – Certificate III in Events
SIT30713 – Certificate III in Hospitality
SIT31212 – Certificate III in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40212 - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
SIT40812 - Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40313 – Certificate IV in Hospitality
SIT50112 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT50212 – Diploma of Events
SIT50313 – Diploma of Hospitality
SIT60112 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT60212 – Advanced Diploma of Events
SIT60313 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
Unit/s code & title SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
Learner name & ID
Assessor name/s
Assessment 1 of 3 Written questions

1. Complete one of these forms for every assessment task for a unit of competency.
2. One copy (printed or electronic) of this feedback must be retained in the Student file.
3. One copy (printed or electronic) must be given to the learner.

Assessment criteria - Catapult Assessment Tool 1 (AT1) S
Satisfactory NS
Not Satisfactory
All questions answered correctly

Resubmission required? Resubmission due date ………………………………………


Feedback given (date) ……………………
Learner name Learner signature
Assessor name Assessor signature Assessment task feedback to learner – Task 2 of 3
Qualification code & title SIT30112 – Certificate III in Travel and Tourism
SIT30612 – Certificate III in Events
SIT30713 – Certificate III in Hospitality
SIT31212 – Certificate III in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40212 - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
SIT40812 - Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40313 – Certificate IV in Hospitality
SIT50112 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT50212 – Diploma of Events
SIT50313 – Diploma of Hospitality
SIT60112 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT60212 – Advanced Diploma of Events
SIT60313 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
Unit/s code & title SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
Learner name & ID
Assessor name/s
Assessment 2 of 3 Observation report

1. Complete one of these forms for every assessment task for a unit of competency.
2. One copy (printed or electronic) of this feedback must be retained in the Student file.
3. One copy (printed or electronic) must be given to the learner.

Assessment criteria S
Satisfactory NS
Not Satisfactory
Can identify and resolve causes of conflict
Can handle conflict discreetly with minimal impact on others
Evaluates conflict and resolution strategies
Use appropriate communication skills and workplace policies Resubmission required? Resubmission due date ………………………………………


Feedback given (date) ……………………
Learner name Learner signature
Assessor name Assessor signature Assessment task feedback to learner – Task 3 of 3
Qualification code & title SIT30112 – Certificate III in Travel and Tourism
SIT30612 – Certificate III in Events
SIT30713 – Certificate III in Hospitality
SIT31212 – Certificate III in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40212 - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
SIT40812 - Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40313 – Certificate IV in Hospitality
SIT50112 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT50212 – Diploma of Events
SIT50313 – Diploma of Hospitality
SIT60112 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT60212 – Advanced Diploma of Events
SIT60313 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
Unit/s code & title SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
Learner name & ID
Assessor name/s
Assessment 3 of 3 Portfolio of evidence

1. Complete one of these forms for every assessment task for a unit of competency.
2. One copy (printed or electronic) of this feedback must be retained in the Student file.
3. One copy (printed or electronic) must be given to the learner.

Assessment criteria S
Satisfactory NS
Not Satisfactory
The following documents have been provided:
Induction manual with conflict procedure
Supporting evidence of reducing how your organisation ensures personal safety of customers/colleagues
Assessment criteria
Identify potential for conflict and resolve
Identify situations where personal safety maybe threatened
Identify and use resources to assist in managing conflict
Take responsibility for finding a solution to conflict
Handle conflict discreetly with minimal impact on customers / staff
Use various conflict resolution techniques
Encourage and treat all with respect
Organisational policies and procedures for complaint, conflict and dispute resolution
Employability skills are embedded in this unit

SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
FLA-72 issued: 26/05/2015 Document last saved: 30/06/2015
© Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE 2015
Resubmission required? Resubmission due date ………………………………………


Feedback given (date) ……………………
Learner name Learner signature
Assessor name Assessor signature Unit final assessment result
Qualification code & title SIT30112 – Certificate III in Travel and Tourism
SIT30612 – Certificate III in Events
SIT30713 – Certificate III in Hospitality
SIT31212 – Certificate III in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40212 - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
SIT40812 - Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts
SIT40313 – Certificate IV in Hospitality
SIT50112 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT50212 – Diploma of Events
SIT50313 – Diploma of Hospitality
SIT60112 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism
SIT60212 – Advanced Diploma of Events
SIT60313 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
Unit code & title SITXCOM401 – Manage conflict
Learner name & ID
Assessor name/s

1. Use Part 1 of this form to collate results from all completed assessment tasks for a unit or cluster ie. after last task has been completed.
2. If a learner withdraws before completing all assessment tasks for a unit, complete Part 2.
3. One copy (printed or electronic) of this feedback must be retained on the Student file.
4. One copy (printed or electronic) must be given to the learner.

Part 1 – Completed assessment tasks
Assessment tasks Method S
Satisfactory NS
Not Satisfactory
Assessment task 1 of 3 Written Questions
Assessment task 2 of 3 Observation Report
Assessment task 3 of 3 Portfolio of Evidence

Unit result CC NC

Part 2 – Incomplete / not completed assessment tasks
Assessment tasks Method WD Last date of participation

Assessor name
Assessor signature

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